

Friday, April 7, 2017

Heather Timmons — Trump invited China’s leader to his home, then bombed one of his allies during dinner

The bombing during the very public meeting with Xi could also disturb relations between the two nations. As China experts in the US government noted earlier, the last thing that Xi would want during such a meeting is a surprise. Making matters worse, the US has said it had notified Russia before the bombing, according a statement from the Pentagon, but it is not yet clear when Xi was made aware of the action....
I can't tell you how bad this was as an insult and loss of face for Xi. The repercussions will reverberate through history henceforth, since this is an insult of China and loss of face as a nation. It is the sort of humiliation that China has received from the West for over a hundred years. It was a colossal blunder diplomatically.

Trump invited China’s leader to his home, then bombed one of his allies during dinner
Heather Timmons


  1. In less than two months the deep state has regained control of the white house. Trump is over.

  2. Xi is probably going back to his friends bragging about how he was right there when it all went down....
