

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Pat Lang — "Did Trump have clear authority under international law to attack Syria?" NY Times

IMO it is very clear that the order for the strike on Shaykat air base in Syria was illegal in both international and US law. The Democrats have been searching for grounds for impeachment. Is commission of a criminal act using the powers of his office not an impeachable offense? pl
US politics would never permit the impeachment of the president for something like this since the narrative is constructed by the propaganda machine and the machine is applauding the attack. If the Democrats want to frame an impeachable offense, this is not it, especially after HRC recommended doing what Trump did hours before he gave the order.

Sic Semper Tyrannis
"Did Trump have clear authority under international law to attack Syria?" NY Times
Col. W. Patrick Lang, US Army (ret.), former military intelligence officer at the US Defense Intelligence Agency


The Duran
Now President Trump hands his enemies REAL grounds to impeach him
Alexander Mercouris


  1. The real symbolism of the attack was not how tough Trump is but that he has been manipulated by the deep state into breaking the Constitution and international law. Now he goes along with them or they can impeach him.

  2. Who cares? You're supposed to STFU and follow the orders of your "commander in chief".
