

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Robert Parry — Another Dangerous Rush to Judgment in Syria

The U.S. government and the mainstream media rushed to judgment again, blaming the Syrian government for a new poison-gas attack and ignoring other possibilities, reports Robert Parry....
But the pressing question now is: Have the American people come to understand enough about “psychological operations” and “strategic communications” that they will finally show the skepticism that no longer exists in the major U.S. news media?
Consortium News
Another Dangerous Rush to Judgment in Syria — translated by Samer Hussein

Free Association
Trump Changes His Mind about Assad
Free Association by Sheldon Richman


  1. Trump's unleashed his inner neoconservatism, or perhaps he wants to deflect attention from his colossal incompetence, and do something that proves his status as chickenhawk. The stupidity of this is amazing, and may be related to Bannon being fired from his position at the NSC. Neoconservatives winning the day BIGLY, and with a prez like this things can spiral out of control BIGLY.

  2. Hopefully Trump won't take the bait....

  3. He probably will. Sorry.

    The hot air from this guy is about to burst.

  4. Assad must go... deficits do matter... government is like a household... budgets must be balanced... Putin is a killer...

  5. While it’s hard to know at this early stage what’s true and what’s not, these alternative explanations, I’m told, are being seriously examined by U.S. intelligence.

    Why bother, when the President has already bought the story portrayed by the media?
