

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

The Saker — The Trump administration goes Neocon-crazy

Oh boy, that did not take long. As I wrote in February, the Neocons and the US deep state have completely neutered Trump. Just look at these two headlines from RT (and read the articles):
‘It crossed a lot of lines’: Trump on alleged chemical gas attack in Syria
‘We are compelled to take own action’ if UN fails in Syria – US envoy
Frankly, I feel like saying “QED – I rest my case” and stop writing here. But I won’t – this is too serious.…
What is sure is that you will never see a Neocon in frontline combat. Neither they nor their kids will die no matter what they do. Or so they think. This is one of the main reasons why these Neocons are the single biggest danger for the United States and the American people: they despise the real American people and they won’t hesitate to sacrifice them, in large numbers if needed (9/11 anybody?).
This is why so many Americans voted for Trump and his promise “to drain the swamp”.
Alas, the swamp drained Trump and all is back to “normal”.
PS: I just learned that, just as I had predicted, Bannon has been removed from the US National Security Council. See for yourself: Now the coup against Trump is fully completed. And Bloomberg celebrates “Intelligence director, Joint Chiefs chairman elevated”. Yeah, no kidding! It’s over folks, the Neocons have totally crushed Trump. And he did not even given them a halfway decent fight… 
Nest step, get Steven Bannon out of the administration. Step after that Trump leaves, too.

The Vineyard of the Saker
The Trump administration goes Neocon-crazy
The Saker

Alex Christoforou

See also

The National Interest
Why Is Trump Embracing Establishment GOP Foreign Policy?
Daniel McCarthy | editor at large of the American Conservative

Bye, Bye, Bannon: It Looks Like Even Trump Can't Escape the Deep State
Jefferson Morley

The Unz Review
This Fishy Smell of Sarin, or Was it Chlorine?
Anatoly Karlin


  1. Seemed obvious for weeks this guy was gonna fold. Now we await for the arrival of President Pence to take the wheel.

    This SURELY had to be part of the "3-D/4-D/5-D/6-D/Googolplex Chess!" people were talking about.

  2. Penguin, I dunno! Pence is a really crazy bastard. He makes Trump look all flower power.

    Googolplex chess, exactly! Rather than accepting the blindingly obvious (Trump is in way over his head), we hear utterly bizarre explanations involving his alleged mighty intellect, how he's a thousand moves ahead of us mere mortals, and even then he's playing in multiple dimensions, possibly fractal dimensions, with chess pieces changing colour at tachyonic speeds in colours unknown to nature in this universe, while we dumb schmucks stare dumbly at a regular board with white and black pieces. This is almost as bad as JFK reading a page a second or whatever ludicrous propaganda was put out about his gargantuan intelligence, while all he was doing was banging bimbos left and right. Hey, Trump's our JFK, but without the polished sophistication.

  3. PCR hoped that Trump would be a strong leader. Those hopes have been dashed.

  4. PCR saw the light when it came to economics, even sounding MMT friendly at times, but he was off the ball on this one. He must be crushed. I used to dislike the guy and his Reagan past but I really thought he came around on some issues. Bruce Bartlett as well.

  5. Rather than accepting the blindingly obvious (Trump is in way over his head)...

    I think it's starting to dawn on Trump that he had a good thing going as a reality tv clown host.

  6. < 10 weeks to totally and completely take control of a hostile president.

    It should now be absolutely clear to everyone how this country operates. The president is a puppet and elections are theater designed to make us think we have a choice.

    I see one chance for Trump, but he clearly isn't savvy enough to do it. If he supported single-payer the majority of citizens would rally in support and he would have real political capital.

  7. I think that what future generations will be asking is how in the name of sanity could basically half of the American electorate be so easily duped into voting for a reality tv clown host.

    The American journalist Wayne Barrett, who covered Trump's business dealings from the early 70's and knew him quite well, was asked earlier this year -- btw, just prior to his death from cancer -- if he believed that Trump could change from being the dick that he always was. To paraphrase Barrett's reply: You expect a 70-year-old dick to change now? Are you that naïve?!

  8. Maybe Bannon was just put there until they cleaned up the NSC ....

    Trump will not tell anybody what he really thinks about the Syria situation....

  9. Why doesn't Putin just arm Assad to the teeth with ground equipment and have him go and clean the place out while Russia maintains the airspace?

  10. Matt: :Trump will not tell anybody what he really thinks about the Syria situation...."

    He didn't have to play today's press conference the way he did. He's now painted himself into a very tight corner. If the neocons are apparently celebrating, Trump's made a horribly bad move.

    Matt: "Why doesn't Putin just arm Assad to the teeth with ground equipment and have him go and clean the place out while Russia maintains the airspace?"

    That's a good question. Perhaps the Russians fear that Syria will fall to the jihadis and the weapons will be used against it in future. This has been a great concern in the past. It could be that for the present the Syrians need airpower more than they needed weaponry on the ground, and in any case house-to-house fighting plays into the jihadis hands. The Syrian army would suffer huge losses, perhaps enough to see the jihadis victorious, what with Saudi Arabia's endless money and brainwashing of people from zones that have already been razed to the ground by previous jihadi wars. It may be a better military strategy to jill the jihadi motherfuckers from the air or lure them out to be killed by the Syrian forces. Any army folks want to pitch in here and explain how the Syrians and Russians see this?

    Tom, what do you think? You were in the military. Not urban warfare, but even so you may be the only one here who'd have an inkling of what's what here.

  11. lastgreek, I see that the epigraph to Wayne Barrett's book "Trump: The Greatest Show on Earth" is Dire Straits's "That's the way to do it - money for nothin' and your chicks for free".

    Looks like a damn good book, and yet another to add to the already groaning bedside table.

  12. It may be a better military strategy to jill the jihadi motherfuckers from the air or lure them out to be killed by the Syrian forces.

    If that were feasible it would have been the strategy for capturing Mosul. A partitioned Syria is the way to go if your objective is to save lives.

  13. I think that what future generations will be asking is how in the name of sanity could basically half of the American electorate be so easily duped into voting for a reality tv clown host

    And half voted for the Deep State's corrupt, access-selling, war-mongering puppet. Some choice.

  14. How about they were both already interested in waging war? I always go back to the "we gotta take the oil" example. One moron made it clear and explicit he was gonna be a warmongering loon and the other made her BS slightly more subtle, but it was looking like conflict w/ Syria and Russia instead of China there.

  15. No Deep State required for the former. I don't think he was taken in by anything. The signs were there months in advance IMO and going by some of the other ridiculous statements he's made in the past too.

  16. Don't forget the half that didn't vote at all. They are not amused.

  17. I don't think you can have 3 halves, but alright.

    5.7% of the voting population voted for other candidates, and the total voter turnout from what I read was about 55% for the 2016 election. So really, it was just around 50% of eligible voting population who voted for either one of these two. Shocking.

  18. Tom, what do you think? You were in the military. Not urban warfare, but even so you may be the only one here who'd have an inkling of what's what here.

    I'll let Col. Lang field this one.

    IMO the R+6 should learn the lesson of this propaganda debacle and OVERRUN Idlib Province!! pl

    PL in the comments:

    IMO that is completely wrong. The SAG made a serious mistake in going after the eastern territories rather than clearing Idlib after Aleppo fell to them

    05 April 2017 at 04:55 PM

    turcopolier (PL) said...

    If so, they are mistaken. The Idlib cancer will devour the Syrian state. pl

    Reply 05 April 2017 at 06:46 PM

    turcopolier (PL) said...

    The strategy was mistaken. Ground must be occupied and the enemy's forces destroyed. pl

    Reply 05 April 2017 at 06:49 PM

  19. What is sure is that you will never see a Neocon in frontline combat. Neither they nor their kids will die no matter what they do. Or so they think.

    The Lord tests the righteous and the wicked, and the one who loves violence His soul hates. Psalm 11:5

  20. Why are chemical weapons worse than regular bombs? Do regular bombs kill people in a kinder, more friendly fashion? Is foam at the mouth really more horrifying than a body with its guts ripped open and intestines hanging out, or skulls broken open with brains spilling onto the floor? Do people really think bombs kill people instantly and no one ends up burning to death, or bleeding out over many minutes, or dying slowly over the course of hours or days under a pile or rubble?
