

Monday, May 29, 2017

John Helmer — Zbigniew Brzezinski, The Svengali Of Jimmy Carter’s Presidency, Is Dead, But The Evil Lives On

Former President Jimmy Carter, who employed Brzezinski as his National Security Advisor between 1977 and 1981, the only high official post Brzezinski reached, saidhe “helped me set vital foreign policy goals, was a source of stimulation for the departments of defense and state, and everyone valued his opinion.” Of Carter’s three claims, only the first is true; the second is ironic hyperbole; the third is completely false. If Carter cannot tell the truth now about Brzezinski, after having 36 years to reflect on it, Carter reveals the principal source of Brzezisnki’s power, when he exercised it. For Carter was no innocent ventriloquized by the evil Svengali (lead image, left), as in the original Svengali tale. Carter was simply a bigger and more mendacious fool than Brzezinski, and is entirely to blame for doing what Brzezinski told him to do.

Brzezinski was an obsessive Russia-hater from the beginning to the end. That led to the monumental failures of Carter’s term in office; the hatreds Brzezinski released had an impact which continues to be catastrophic for the rest of the world....
The is a blockbuster article. ZB far worse than imagined and Jimmy Carter caught up in it. Explains a lot about Jimmy Carter. Apparently, he has not yet realized it based on his obit of ZB.

The dominant view is that at the close of WWII, the Allies, led by the US, having learned the lesson of what happened in punishing Germany after WWI, brilliantly "forgave" the Axis powers and generally helped to rehabilitate and rebuild them.

While there is some truth to this and it is the way it was sold through propaganda, this narrative is largely a fiction. The reality is that the Allies wished to integrate the former Axis powers into an alliance (NATO plus Japan) to confront the "rising threat" of communist USSR and China to "the Free World," and to do so as quickly as possible. 

ZB was a product of that mindset. But he combined it with a visceral hate of many Poles for Russia (Russophobia) that was the result of historical "path dependence" aka inter-tribal animosity.

Dancing with Bears


  1. The two narratives do not contradict each other. They are both true, and tell a part of the story. Do we have the full story now, or not until every document is declassified?

  2. Helmer's insider views reinforce previous narratives of the Carter administration by Noam Chomsky, Oliver Stone and Peter Kuzinek, and even before Carter and Zbig, going back to the Dulles brothers, etc.. It was always about protecting capitalism from socialism.

    I'm still learning bits and pieces, though, like Operation Unthinkable, Churchill's plan to attack the Soviet Union in 1945.

    While he identified as Polish, Zbig came from a wealthy family in what is now Western Ukraine -- you know, where the neo-Nazis live today.

    Carter's campaign was financed by the Trilateral Commission. They owned him. Carter did not "call on Zbig to advise him" so much as Zbig called on Carter to be his figurehead candidate.

  3. While he identified as Polish, Zbig came from a wealthy family in what is now Western Ukraine -- you know, where the neo-Nazis live today.

  4. So did Zbig infect that nutcase McCain as well?

  5. MRW, McCain was in Vietnam Nam, captured/tortured etc...

  6. Oh I thought all the Manning fanboys have redefined solitary as torture... my bad...

  7. Well which is it?

    Not legally defined as torture in the US, but there is an evidence-based argument based on psychological effects that long term solitary confinement meets the legal standard of torture.

    So it is a grey area.

  8. "Grey area"

    A figure of speech material qualified/competent people are not familiar with....

  9. Q: "Are we out of money?"

    A: "well, that is a gray area..."

  10. "Grey area"

    A figure of speech material qualified/competent people are not familiar with....

    In law, a grey area is one where the courts have not yet decided the details of an issue. There are a lot of grey areas in law and they usually go a court of appeals and eventually SCOTUS. A SCOTUS decision generally becomes settled law, but sometimes a SCOTUS decision only decides on piratical issues and leaves others issues in the grey area. Some of theses issues subsequently work their way before the court.

    STEM is largely confined to well-defined concepts (sets with specified borders). Most of life is not amenable to that because ordinary language is imprecise owing to its richness, which allows for economy of expression and the inclusion of quality in addition to quality.

    STEM eliminates from consideration most of what most people find interesting and important in life owing to formalization, quantification, and technical definition. Most areas of life cannot be formalized and quantified without loss of relevant information and affect.

  11. Q: "Are we out of money?"

    A: "well, that is a gray area..."

    It is a grey area.

    Whether the context involve a currency sovereign or just currency users is not specified.
