

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

US Threatens Syria Again: Treading on the Path of War

Strategic Cultures is now okay with my Malwarebytes.

The US is losing the war in Syria but seems intent on not giving up. The US are the 'good guys' who will see to Assad if launches a chemical attack. More war propaganda.

Here and there, there are signs that the United States is planning a large-scale military operation in Syria. The plans include combat operations against the Syrian army and its allies, such as the foreign pro-Iranian Shia militias and Hezbollah.

The White House said on June 26 it had reasons to believe the Syrian government is preparing another chemical weapons (CW) attack. The statement warned that the Syrian government led by President Bashar al-Assad and his military would «pay a heavy price» if such an attack takes place. No specifics on the intelligence showing a chemical attack by the Syrian regime was imminent were provided. Nothing was said about what a US response such an attack would entail.

US ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said on Twitter: «Any further attacks done to the people of Syria will be blamed on Assad, but also on Russia and Iran who support him killing his own people». Neither the White House, nor Nikky Hailey explained in detail what prompted the warning.

Strategic Cultures

But the 'good guys' blanket bombed and napalmed Laos for a decade.

John Bacher, a historian and a Metro Toronto archivist once wrote about “The Secret War”: “More bombs were dropped on Laos between 1965 and 1973 than the U.S. dropped on Japan and Germany during WWII. More than 350,000 people were killed. The war in Laos was a secret only from the American people and Congress. It anticipated the sordid ties between drug trafficking and repressive regimes that have been seen later in the Noriega affair.” 
In this biggest covert operation in the U.S. history, the main goal was to “prevent pro-Vietnamese forces from gaining control” over the area. The entire operation seemed more like a game that some overgrown, sadistic boys were allowed to play: Bombing an entire nation into the Stone Age for more than a decade. But essentially this “game” was nothing else than one of the most brutal genocides in the history of the 20th century.


  1. Nikky Hailey is worse than Samantha Power, if that's possible.

    John Bacher is 100% accurate about the Laos operation. I knew some of the MACVSOG guys who were involved in it. And I knew one guy who was personally involved in the drug trade over there under the aegis of the CIA, which he claimed was one of the underlying reasons for the Vietnam War to begin with. Fantastic claim, I know. and I never knew what to make of it. He said his job was to coordinate the movement and sale of the stuff.

    When I asked him why he was apparently so ‘privileged’ that he became involved at that level, basically why was he given that job which no one ever found out about, he told me his uncle or some relative was a huge umpty-dee-ump in the military (General? Admiral? don’t remember) and that it was understood he would not betray him or the family name. He told me all this in the early 90s. He was adamant. He said the business of the Vietnam war initially was ‘the Golden Triangle’ and that Coca-Cola and JFK’s father (a bootlegger before he was an Ambassador) were the initial movers behind it. Wild stuff that I could never confirm. But many other small outrageous facts then he told me have come to light, so who knows.

  2. I think you're right, MRW. I ignored the CIA drug running stuff for ages as crazy conspiracy theories but now I'm beginning to wonder. Not that the whole of the CIA is corrupt, Ray McGovern and Paul Craig Roberts worked for them once. The right write more about this than the left but I find their sites to be vulgar which has put me off a bit but I now think they are probably right. And even Abby Martin mentions the 'boys' in one of her videos, another conspiracy theory. There might be more like Jeffrey Epstein.

  3. I'm blaming Trump for the release of that statement. And if there's a chemical attack, it will again be Trump's fault for putting the idea in someone's mind.

  4. Kaivey, there's a big difference between a conspiracy theory and a pattern of evidence.

    The term ”Conspiracy theory" was created in 1995 by Clinton's two gay 24-year-old back office West Wing PR lovers (Mark Fabiani and Chris Lehane, who have since gone onto a lucrative business in San Francisco) to cover Clinton's tracks with all his women. They created a two-page report describing it, then sent packages out with these two-pages accompanied by over 300 pages of printed snail-mail proof that the internet was this cesspool of conspiracy.

    They called it The Communications Stream of Conspiracy Commerce Report, and got Larry King to put the term into the lexicon—as well as many DC establishment journalists, some elderly reporters today on NPR, who sneered about the internet for the next 1/2 decade. King used the term every night during the summer of 1995 to describe every fucking thing he could, including rumors about the OJ trial then.

    What is really a hoot—if you can find those two pages on the web—is that Fabiani and Lehane claimed this conspiracy crime was started by DC-based British journalists like Ambrose Evans-Pritchard who were calling (uploading) their stories to London nightly, where their news orgs would print the news we wouldn’t print here—like Clinton’s latest peccadilloes—and then the next day the British stories would become news in the US and a fait accompli.

    In other words Fabiani and Lehane claimed this use of the internet and overseas news orgs was proof of a communications stream of conspiracy commerce! If you used the internet you were a conspiracy theorist. And a conspiracy was anything that put Clinton in a bad light or brought up his women.

    Fabian and Lehane got DC journalists to join in trashing the use of the net as a wild-west nothing burger where editorial judgment did not exist, and the damn country fell for the term like a cheap suit. Because being derided and sneered at for engaging in so-called conspiracy theories brought most thinking people to their knees not wanting to be labeled that way. Instead of laughing at the term, the country was cowed, and has been ever since. Who wants to be seen as stupid.

    I watched it happen in early 1995 and that summer, and because of my background knew something was up. I watched fascinated. I could never locate the exact source, but I knew it was brilliant—and orchestrated—propaganda. Then WaPo broke the story in 1997, identifying the little fuckers who had manipulated a nation, and for the past 22 years made conspiracies theories taboo, and the people who engage in them not only beneath contempt, but the even worse charge: unintelligent.

    But as I said at the top: there's a big difference between a conspiracy theory and a pattern of evidence. We seem to have lost our collective ability to scour the pattern of evidence dispassionately. Witness the MSM today.

    Here’s the 1997 WaPo article that broke the source:

    This is an example of what the press were pushing back in 1995, a la Fabiani and Lehane:
    “The Internet? Bah!”
    The original link is, but it’s not available anymore.
    This 2010 article does address the 1995 piece, however, and contains some of the original. Couldn’t have been more wrong.

  5. MORE . . . .We seem to have lost our collective ability to scour the pattern of evidence dispassionately.

    And with it the process of discovery, which always starts with the little things that may seem disparate and unrelated at first look.

  6. I ignored the CIA drug running stuff for ages as crazy conspiracy theories but now I'm beginning to wonder. How do you think their rogue agents pay for what they do?

  7. Nikky Hailey is worse than Samantha Power, if that's possible.

    Samantha Power was at least smart. Haley?

  8. There is a fine line between conspiracy theory and fact, and it is not always easy to distinguish them because the facts are concealed from public view.

  9. Well, well, well, well, well. Just for shits and grins, I tried to find the original Communications Stream of Conspiracy Commerce Report, which I had never been able to locate, only what I was told were the first two pages that accompanied the 300+ pages of news clips.

    In the last year or two, Dan Schulman of Mother Jones has uploaded the original doc from the Clinton Presidential Library on DocumentCloud. 28 pages including the withdrawal/redaction slips. You can see how concerned they were about Whitewater, Vincent Foster Death, and various bimbo stories.

    So for those who might enjoy seeing the reigning document in pushing the conspiracy theory line, here it is. All this happened before the January 1998 bomb that there was a Monica Lewinsky and a blue dress.

  10. There is a fine line between conspiracy theory and fact, and it is not always easy to distinguish them because the facts are concealed from public view.

    Absolutely right. But if you don’t look, you don’t find, which is where I come down on the issue of checking the facts without having to endure 'conspiracy theory' screeches.

    What that last doc I cited shows, is just how conspiratorial they were themselves in attributing pernicious intentions to everyone who didn’t agree with them, like the off-the-wall shit about British journalists specifically creating conspiracy theories to damage Clinton by whizzing stories to Brit tabloids and The Sunday Telegraph so they could come back to the US over the wires as “fact.” The bimbo tales were the ones they mocked. [The Brits in particular loved those tales.] Until Lewinsky showed up. And I’m sure you remember the Richard Mellon Scaife accusations from that time. he was the bogeyman behind everything. I think the most mentioned non-appearing man on the Sunday news shows.

    Mondoweiss owner Phil Weiss, a solid reporter, was doing great work on the Vincent Foster death inconsistencies in the 90s when he was working for The Observer [think that was it] in NYC. And he got labeled as well. And Phil was a careful researcher.

    1. I consider conspiracy theories to be the real crazy stuff, such as chemtrails, the Agenda 21 people who hate the Green mocement and think that the elite are practising population control, then there are the aliens have landed crowd and that the US government has captured a UFO, etc. Although, there is an Canadian ex defence minister, Paul Hellyer, who claims that the US has indeed captured am UFO. I read his book and it was excellent on banking, but I took it with a grain of salt about the alien stuff.

      The CIA drug trafficking, well they did get caught once with Arms for the Contra Rebels scandal? As for high class paedophile rings, well, I wouldn't be surprised, but not enough evidence yet, but I keep an item mind. The Conspiracy of Silence was a compelling film.

      9/11: Eric Zeusse has become convinced the Saudi's did it and he put a lot of the evidence together, but he didn't give a reason why they did it.

      I do see war as a money making racket. Was Smedley Butler a conspiracy theorists? I do think there is shear evil working in Washington. I do believe that organised crime is involved at the top too. I think there is something to the Clinton Body Count, and I believe that Charles Ortel hasn't got his figures wrong about the Clinton Foundation.

  11. Kaivey, part 1

    (1) Chemtrails are real. One of the retired scientists who used to do some work with them at Area 51 (worked for Raytheon) lived next door to me, and told me all about them. So what? What’s crazy about that and why do you care?

    (2) Agenda 21 is in the actual UNEP docs and proceedings from the 1992 Rio Convention. It was part of the approved platform. AGENDA 21 IS THE GREEN MOVEMENT! Agenda 21 was Maurice Strong’s doing. He was the creator of the global environmental movement. Don’t know about population control stuff. But Strong had some cockamamie ideas about humanity being expendable so we could save the planet, and said we had to reduce the population to accomplish it. Strong also milked the Oil for Food program in Iraq after the first war, causing the UN to dump him, and did a number of other things that caused him to retire in disgrace in Beijing where his mother had been a revered missionary worker. He died either the last year or year before that.

    (3) I was friends with General Nathan Twining’s son for a long time. The son sold real estate in New Mexico and I bought land from him. General Twining was the head of Project Something-or-Other (Bluebook?) under Truman who Truman put in charge of the alien landings in 1947. I haven’t talked to the son, also named Nathan, for years since I spoke to a radio host about what the son told me, and Nathan fucking freaked. The Air Force “suits” used to make visits to him to tell Nathan to keep his mouth shut (which I didn’t know, he was scared for his life). I can’t remember what Twining Père was: head of Joint Chiefs of Staff? just head of the Air Force? You can look him up. Twining’s son called me in 1990 after another General who had promised General Twining to tell Nathan the truth about what his father was involved in after his father died; this was a General who was there in 1947. Nathan was badly shaken. It was all true. But none of the real landings happened at Roswell (southeast sector). They happened in the southwest sector of New Mexico called the Plains of St. Augustine, which are ringed with a mountain range that bars all radio signals.

    Colonel Philip Corso wrote The Day After Roswell. That’s the book you want to read. As Amazon says in the book blurb:

    Backed by documents newly declassified through the Freedom of Information Act, Colonel Philip J. Corso (Ret.), a member of President Eisenhower’s National Security Council and former head of the Foreign Technology Desk in the US Army, has come forward to reveal his personal stewardship of alien artifacts from the Roswell crash. He tells us how he spearheaded the Army’s reverse-engineering project that led to today’s integrated circuit chips, fiber optics, lasers, and super-tenacity fibers, and “seeded” the Roswell alien technology to giants of American industry. Laying bare the US government’s shocking role in the Roswell incident—what was found, the cover-up, and how they used alien artifacts to change the course of twentieth-century history—The Day After Roswell is an extraordinary memoir that not only forces us to reconsider the past, but also our role in the universe.

    Corso wrote this book for his grandson. Twining’s son, my friend Nathan, helped him. He was 85 years old. He died shortly after it was published.

  12. Kaivery, Part 2

    (4) The CIA were dumping drugs brought up from South America into the LA ghettos. I just happened to hear the west coast hearings on public radio while travelling/driving. Riveting. Star Investigative Journalist Gary Webb broke the story in the Sacramento Bee in an explosive three-part series. The press and the CIA ruined his career, and the Sacramento Bee, a good paper, decided to fire him even though he had been a rock star reporter. He was found within a year with two bullet wounds to his head from a “suicide’. I remember the night that the police announced it. Saw the police report. Two bullets. Suicide. Then they changed the story.

    And on and on for the rest of the issues you raise.

    As Tom wrote above: There is a fine line between conspiracy theory and fact, and it is not always easy to distinguish them because the facts are concealed from public view. And you obviously haven’t looked.

    I am one of those unusual people who has been in the right place at the right time as a witness to some of the more perplexing events of the 20th C, not as a player, but as an innocent or casual observer, and the little tiny pieces I know and experienced lend credence and veracity to otherwise fantastical stories. Star Wars. All sorts of stuff. Never asked for this stuff. Never sought it out. I was just there.

    But it doesn’t freak me out. I just file it under ”Duly Noted”. Because I know I don’t have the whole story, nor will I. What I do have is proof of one small important piece of it.

  13. '1) Chemtrails are real. One of the retired scientists who used to do some work with them at Area 51 (worked for Raytheon) lived next door to me, and told me all about them. So what? What’s crazy about that and why do you care'

    Because Chemtrail movement are saying that the government is trying to poison people, and they think this is for population control. I watched a bit of one of these videos and felt sick in the end. Chemtrails are vapour trails left by aircraft.

    I watched a bit of an 'Agenda 21' video of a conference by some tea party types, I think, it was a conspiracy theory on steroids. They thought that the Green movement along with the government were going to cram everyone into the cities to free up the countryside for wildlife. Spooky, or what?

  14. You watched a video? C'mon. Any asshole can upload his fears to YouTube. The Greenies are just as stupid claiming CO2 is a pollutant. [You (and every human on the planet) breathe in 400 PPM every three seconds then exhale 40,000 PPM in the next three seconds. 7.5 billion people. Day in. Day out.] Read source docs.

  15. Are Nazis still holed up in a secret base underneath the ice in Antarctica? Inquiring minds want to know!

  16. Are Nazis still holed up in a secret base underneath the ice in Antarctica? Inquiring minds want to know! Find out for us, Bob, and report back. lol.
