

Friday, June 9, 2017

WHY Saudi Arabia Is Our Friend And Iran Is Our Enemy

US State Department official, Richard Stewart, has trouble explaining why the US criticised the Iranian democracy when it backs the oppressive dictatorship, Saudi Arabia, which backs Wahhabism extremism all over the world.  


  1. Saudis are old friends. Humans are tribal. We support friends and family.

  2. The very simple reason that Iran is the arch-enemy is that Iran backs Syria and Hezbollah, which support the Palestinians and constitute the major challenge to the Zionist's establishment and maintenance of an apartheid state.

  3. The Israel support is tied to our history via WW2 and Christianity and lots of deep connections and relationships.

  4. Wahhabism is insane. It makes snake-waving as a Christian religion and the most extreme factions of fundamentalist Christian Dominionist elements look benign. And it COMPLETELY mars the many, many wonderful basic tenets of Islam, which few Americans know as a result, in my view. The Wahhabis created this slice of Islam in 1800 AD, and it is completely dingbat.

  5. Israeli support is because it can drink at the trough of the US Treasury.

  6. Anybody notice how quiet Israel is while all this is going on?

    A $100b arms deal to the Saudis and not a peep. Hmmmmm

    1. And what is Saudi Arabia doing with all those arms. Stockpiling them for a rainy day, or selling them on to their Deash Jihadist friends.
