

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Adam Garrie — President Xi rejects western political models in speech praising Chinese traditions

Forewarned is forearmed. Xi is determined not to fall into the same trap as Gorbachev.

Expect to see more push back against rules dictated by the West and especially the US.

Chinese people in general have a strong preference for stability and harmony. Individualism, which is the foundation of Western liberalism, is foreign to them.

The Duran
President Xi rejects western political models in speech praising Chinese traditions
Adam Garrie


  1. Chinese people in general have a strong preference for stability and harmony.

    The Chinese believe that it is more important to create harmony than it is to be right. That’s not necessarily how the Chinese Government works because they are charged with administering the Confucian system for the benefit of China an Chinese citizens.

    Individualism, which is the foundation of Western liberalism, is foreign to them.

    It’s not foreign to them at all. They simply reject the notion as the short-sightedness and smallness of the Western mind. Their culture has existed for thousands of years; no western civilization has. The Artifacts I saw at an exhibition in the Royal Taiwan Museum created in 6000 BC, 8,000 years ago—jade buckets carved out of one piece of jade including a handle and polished to a mirror-like surface—were stupendous. Britain is only 1200 years old; if you include the tribes that predated them, then 1800 years. Roman 2000+ years. Nothing compared to China. Or Iran, for that matter.

    While British ‘monarchs’ were sleeping in single-room barns with their animals and one pie-hole to let the kitchen smoke out, the Chinese had invented paper, TNT, the compass, a printing press (200 AD), silk production, ship-building, the stove, gastronomy. The list is actually endless…

  2. Chinese people have a strong preference for USDs....

  3. "Their culture has existed for thousands of years;"

    Should be: "Their culture has existed in the same state for thousands of years;..."

    They only got out of it about 20 years ago when they embraced western values... and most importantly the USD....


  4. Should be: "Their culture has existed in the same state for thousands of years;..."

    They only got out of it about 20 years ago when they embraced western values... and most importantly the USD....

    NOT TRUE. Unbeknownst to 99.99% of Americans, China was the world’s leading economy for about 400 years until the Brits and the East India Company took it from them starting in 1800. They did it, essentially, by setting themselves up for trade in what became Hong Kong, and using opium. The Brits ruined the Chinese people from the inside, and introduced western ways, culture, clothing, and mores.

    This destruction of “The Middle Kingdom” from within was the genesis of Mao and the Communist Party that took over in 1949. Many of their cultural elites, intellectuals, and rich people fled to Taiwan, where they had to deal with the Chiang Kai-Shek, who they felt betrayed them. They took as many cultural antiquaries as they could out of China to preserve them because Mao was destroying them.

    At the end of 1979, at a meeting with journalists (mostly Australian, Steve Keen was among them) in Beijing, China announced that its 25-year-goal was to trip America of its manufacturing prowess, and replace it with Chinese hegemony in that sphere. They figured it would take them 25 years to pull it off. They were off by four years, because it wasn’t until Rahm Emanuel rammed through the China-Most-Favored-Nation status in 1999 for his Goldman and Israeli buddies (which destroyed the Mexican economy overnight) that China was able to cement its foothold by ruining a fundamental US economic sector.

    China was more than happy to get USD in return for its goods because it would be a bulwark against a repeat of the Asian currency crisis of 1997 (or was it 1995?). This was all planned, Matt. Much much longer than 20 years ago.

    Get this small-minded and obnoxious notion out of your head that the Chinese are a bunch of ninnies who discovered “western values” and USD and everything has been wonderful for them from this point.

    China has not embraced “western values.” It takes advantage of them.

  5. Should read, ...its 25-year-goal was to strip America of its manufacturing prowess. They started planning this after Nixon's trip to Beijing. They are a formidable opponent and because Americans are sooooo history deficient, they have no clue who they are dealing with. They never look at it from China's POV.

  6. Ditto how we're dealing with North Korea right now. If we understood what in their psyche is making them act this way, what we did to them in the 50s, they could fix the problem using Asian values. But no, we like our dicks to lead, both figuratively and literally. As Sun-Tzu said, and I paraphrase horribly, it's only the brilliant General who can win a war without fighting.
