

Monday, July 24, 2017

Zero Hedge — Former CIA Director Calls For A Coup If Trump Fires Mueller

In the most vocal opposition to president Donald Trump yet, former CIA Director John Brennan said that if the White House tries to fire special counsel Robert Mueller, government officials should refuse to follow the president orders, as they would be - in his view - “inconsistent” with the duties of the executive branch.
"I think it's the obligation of some executive branch officials to refuse to carry that out. I would just hope that this is not going to be a partisan issue. That Republicans, Democrats are going to see that the future of this government is at stake and something needs to be done for the good of the future," Brennan told CNN's Wolf Blitzer at the Aspen Security Forum, effectively calling for a coup against the president should Trump give the order to fire Mueller.... 
Zero Hedge
Former CIA Director Calls For A Coup If Trump Fires Mueller
Tyler Durden

See also
Just six months after his inauguration, Americans already are split down the middle, 42%-42%, over whether President Trump should be removed from office, a new USA TODAY/iMediaEthics Poll finds.…
Those findings, designed to measure the intensity of opinion, also show a perfect divide, 34%-34%.
USA Today
Poll: Americans split 42%-42% on impeaching Trump


  1. education in life: - learning the 'civil' in civilisation in the home of the brave and land of the free.

  2. Who the hell does Brennan think he is?
