

Monday, August 21, 2017

Mark S. Weiner — Trumpism and the Philosophy of History

This is a summary distinction between liberalism and traditionalism, although Weiner doesn't use the term traditionalism specifically. The distinction in the Western intellectual tradition begins with Plato and Aristotle's different political theories, with Plato's theory developing into traditionalism and Aristotle's into liberalism. In modern times, this would be reflected in the dichotomy between Hegel and Locke, and Continental versus Anglo-American thought. 

The main protagonists presently in the US are Steve Bannon representing traditionalism and conservatism and George Soros representing Karl Popper's Open Society view of liberalism. Weiner is aligning with the Soros "school" or liberal internationalism, neoconservatism, and interventionism here against classical conservatism and political conservatism.

The way the debate is now being framed publicly by both sides is in terms of American values and what  being "a real American" involves. Each side is attempting to lay claim to the mantle of "real American."

The conflict of over the future course of America and neither side is about to compromise in any way.

Project Syndicate
Trumpism and the Philosophy of History
Mark S. Weiner | Professor of Law at Rutgers University School of Law—Newark and former Fulbright Scholar in the Department of Legal Philosophy of the University of Salzburg

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