

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Pat Lang — The generals rolled him, as they rolled Obama ...

The difference between Trump and Obama is that under Trump generals are in key civilian positions that are supposed to put a civilian check on the military. Now there is in effect a military junta running military policy with State under the control of a former Exxon CEO and treasury under the control of a Goldman Sachs alumnus. This is even worse that could be expected if HRC had been elected instead, and it is what a lot people that voted for DJT were voting to prevent.

Sic Semper Tyrannis
The generals rolled him, as they rolled Obama ...
Col. W. Patrick Lang, US Army (ret.), former military intelligence officer at the US Defense Intelligence Agency

Former Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai said in a statement on Tuesday that US President Donald Trump's new strategy toward Afghanistan is against Afghanistan's national interest.
Sputnik International
Karzai Slams New US' Afghan Strategy as 'Trump More Focused on War & Rivalries'

Also for consideration:

Voltaire Network
The anti-imperialist camp: splintered in thought

Thierry Meyssan


No plan, no strategy.

Reinforcing failure
Paul Robinson | Professor, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Ottawa


  1. After reading Dr R Batra's book - "The Downfall of Capitalism & Communism", I was somewhat skeptical as regards how a military dictatorship might evolve in the USA . Though such is not yet formally completed, perhaps it is time for the American public to become concerned whether deferment of governance oversight to the military [NewAmerica-Land, Trump-Land or Clinton-Land] may be in the cards in the not too distant future.

  2. Ravi Batra predicts rising influence of the warrior class, which is broader than just the military in his schemata, in The New Golden Age: The Coming Revolution against Political Corruption and Economic Chaos

  3. That's why I'm tellin' ya Tom your whole "militarization of the police!" meme is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy premature.....

  4. "Trump's new strategy toward Afghanistan is against Afghanistan's national interest"

    Well yeah because Trump is going to start to extract tribute... lol....

  5. That's why I'm tellin' ya Tom your whole "militarization of the police!" meme is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy premature.....

    Some people don't get it until a SWAT team breaks down the door as they rush in with guns drawn.

  6. Well yeah because Trump is going to start to extract tribute... lol....

    And how is that going to happen if firms cannot do it profitably. Of right, slave labor.

  7. Trump isn't extracting anything. The entire establishment has worked together (in bi-partisan fashion) to completely neutralize him. Next step will be his ouster, probably for "medical" reasons. Then Pence will become the puppet-in-chief that Hillary was supposed to be.

    In the meantime the biggest threat to the nation is civil unrest, and the government has been preparing for it for some time.

    Rex 84, short for Readiness Exercise 1984, was a classified scenario and drill developed by the United States federal government to detain large numbers of United States citizens deemed to be "national security threats", in the event that the President declared a "State of National Emergency".

    Pentagon preparing for mass civil breakdown

    U.S. Army Preparing for Civil Unrest

  8. "Next step will be his ouster, "

    This is a left wet dream... wake the F up...

  9. Noah you guys have no idea what is coming ... no idea...

  10. Matt, keep drinking that KoolAid. Everything will be fine.

  11. Oh please the guy is POTUS for next 4 years get over it...

  12. Maybe. Maybe not. It really doesn't make any difference because he's not driving the bus.
