

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Philip Pilkington — Utilitarian Economics and the Corruption of Conservatism

Weekend reading on economic and political economy. Phil always has interesting things to say as a philosophical economist or economic philosopher.

American Affairs
Utilitarian Economics and the Corruption of Conservatism
Philip Pilkington

1 comment:

  1. I rather think Geoffrey Hodgson's view of Methodological Individualism should apply to Utilitarianism namely that the term should be dropped because it's an antiquated idea. It doesn't incorporate anything in regard to the role of human relationships or more correctly relationships between organisms. Sticking with human beings though where is Attachment Theory and Reciprocity Theory integrated into Utilitarianism? So, for example, is it the case that as a right-winger you want to cling onto the Utilitarian concept because you're a Dismissive Avoidant?
