

Monday, August 21, 2017

Sputnik — Russia's Nuclear Shield: From World's First ICBM to 'Dead Hand' System

The Russian "doomsday machine" continues to safeguard the country's sovereignty and national interests, RIA Novosti contributor Alexander Khrolenko writes, shedding light on how Perimeter, an automatic nuclear-control system dubbed 'Dead Hand,' actually works.…
After the end of the Cold War, the Russian "doomsday machine" was removed from combat duty in 1995.
However, "the United States and its allies did not appreciate this gesture of goodwill of the leadership of the Russian Federation, and began to actively create the world of 'American exceptionalism', with NATO proceeding to move closer to Russian borders," Khrolenko pointed out.
Thus, in December 2011 the commander of the Russian Strategic Missile Forces, Sergei Karakaev, announced in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda that the Perimeter system was up and running again....
Sputnik International
Russia's Nuclear Shield: From World's First ICBM to 'Dead Hand' System

1 comment:

  1. The government-privileged usury cartel caused the Great Depression which in turn was a MAJOR cause of World War II with Russians suffering tens of millions in casualities.

    So never think ethics wrt to fiat and credit creation is a minor concern; it isn't.
