

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Zero Hedge — US Coalition Attacks ISIS Convoy, Accuses Syria And Russia Of "Terror Transfer"

Calling out US hypocrisy and fake outrage.

Zero Hedge
US Coalition Attacks ISIS Convoy, Accuses Syria And Russia Of "Terror Transfer"
Tyler Durden

See also

AP correctly reports on what Nasrallah said about the deal involving a prisoner exchange, and then muddles it by reporting on "Turkish-backed Syrian forces" that have nothing to do with either Hezbollah or ISIS firing on US troops. 


  1. I suggest checking earlier posts here regarding the notion of US-led efforts to send ISIS from Mosul into Syria. This one, in retrospect, -

    "Moon of Alabama— The "Salafist Principality - ISIS Paid Off To Leave Mosul And To Take Deir Ezzor?"

    - not only shows how bent, but how silly, the deep-state paranoids.

    Hypocrisy and fake outrage indeed.

  2. Salsa some people appear ignorant of the fact that elections matter (since they don't have elections in the Soviet Union it might be understandable). .... this was a Trumpesque strike for sure...

    Manufacturer cannot deliver Hellfire fast enough...
