

Friday, September 29, 2017

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities — Trump Budget Gets Two-Thirds of Its Cuts From Programs for Low- and Moderate-Income People

President Trump’s 2018 budget contains the largest dollar cuts to programs for low- and moderate-income people proposed by any President’s budget in the modern era, reflecting a strikingly imbalanced approach to reducing the deficit or offsetting the cost of its proposed tax cuts. The plan would cut these programs by an estimated $2.5 trillion over the next decade. About two-thirds (66 percent) of the budget’s cuts would come from these programs, which help low- and moderate-income families afford the basics or improve their upward mobility.
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Trump Budget Gets Two-Thirds of Its Cuts From Programs for Low- and Moderate-Income People
Isaac Shapiro, Richard Kogan and Chloe Cho

1 comment:

  1. US citizens have to pay for the US protection racket instead, the Military-industrial Complex. The world's a dangerous place with the ex KGB officer, Putin, running Russia, and he does look hard, and the godless communists who run China and Korea. The perfect bogeymen, straight out of a Bond movie.
