

Saturday, September 30, 2017

David Masciotra — Dumb it down, Democrats — or prepare to lose again

Progressives will make political gains when they stop assuming voters respond to nuanced arguments and ideas.…
Progressives lose at the ballot and across the culture because they consistently overestimate the intelligence and decency of the American people. 


  1. Whatever happened to winning isn't everything....

  2. "Democrats won't win by showing how awful Trump is. They can only win with a simple platform that offers concrete material benefits to all working people." ~ Yves Smith

    I'm with Yves.

  3. Dems abandoned the working class when they pivoted right ("triangulated") away from the New Deal. Now the Democratic establishment is beholden to the donor class and has no way of escaping it other than nominating a self-funding billionaire. The US political process has just become too expensive to make actual democracy affordable. So we get erstaz democracy instead.

  4. Nuance is a euphemism for equivocating. Most people are basically decent and moderately intelligent but have to function in a system that gives them no real information or any real choices. If 'none of the above' was on the ballot it would win every time. All the labeling (lib, con, prog, alt-, etc.) is just another way to keep us fighting each other instead of the abhorently corrupt, self-serving system.
