

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Glenn Greenwald — Yet Another Major Russia Story Falls Apart. Is Skepticism Permissible Yet?

This official story was explosive for obvious reasons, and predictably triggered instant decrees – that of course went viral – declaring that the legitimacy of the outcome of the 2016 U.S. presidential election is now in doubt....

They were one small step away from demanding that the election results be nullified, indulging the sentiment expressed by #Resistance icon Carl Reiner the other day: “Is there anything more exciting that the possibility of Trump’s election being invalidated & Hillary rightfully installed as our President?”
So what was wrong with this story? Just one small thing: it was false....
The Intercept
Yet Another Major Russia Story Falls Apart. Is Skepticism Permissible Yet?
Glenn Greenwald

See also
Last Friday the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) dropped a "bombshell" statement that sent a "thrill up the leg" (to quote Chris Matthews) of every CNN reporter across the country. The news from DHS implied that the election systems of 21 states around the country had been hacked, or at least were close to being hacked, which set off a new wave "Russian collusion" speculation in the U.S. news media (see: DHS Notifies 21 States Of Hacker Targeting; Election Officials Blame "Russian Government Cyber Actors").
That said, according to California Secretary of State Alex Padilla who released a statement this morning in response to the DHS, the whole thing was just a bunch of "fake news." Padilla noted that after requesting additional information from DHS on the "hacks" it quickly became clear that their "conclusions were wrong" and that "California's elections infrastructure and websites were not hacked or breached by Russian cyber actors.”…
So, for folks, like WI's Elections Commission spokesman Reid Magney, who are still "trying to understand what happened"...allow us to clarify: NOTHING HAPPENED. Hillary Clinton lost an election...other than that, not much happened that hasn't happened in every election since the 1950's.
Zero Hedge
"Clear That DHS Was Wrong": California Says Russians Did Not Hack Voting Systems
Tyler Durden


  1. Hill won CA ... I guess that "proves" it wasn't hacked.

  2. "...other than that, not much happened that hasn't happened in every election since the 1950's."

    WOW! talk about BS

  3. Actually, the so-called Russian interference in the 2016 election pales against the vote-rigging, gerrymandering, voter suppression, etc. that have plagued US elections at least since Emancipation.

    Even before that, the Constitutional Convention was a study in how to suppress the vote of non-owners of property in order to ensure the rule of the bourgeoisie under bourgeois liberalism.

    Most of this history down to the present has either been suppressed or ignored.

    The free and fair election myth is just that. US politics has always been rough and tumble.

    1. Greg Palast is always reporting on it, and he has a film coming out about it. And if anyone watched the Exposing Imperialism in Haiti film you would see how the US hired mercenaries to shoot up villages, police stations, and public buildings to blame on the elected government supporters, organised coups, and rigged elections. Putin, Xi Jinping, and the rest of the world must laugh when the US mentions democracy.

  4. Bury your heads in the sand if you want but this election is the canary in the coal mine when it comes to weaponized social media and hacking (ok they got their systems scanned, which apparently doesn't concern some). This is only the beginning.

    1. Yes, but it had nothing whatsoever to do with Russia or foreign interference.

  5. DAB,

    As a lifelong technologist and engineer, I know that public belief in claims of hacking are faith based. I know that claims of the identity of the actors behind the hacks are faith based.

    You must trust the people and institutions behind the claims. I don't. Nothing to do with HRC.

    If a hack has a signature linking it to a specific actor, anyone who knows this signature can leave the signature behind. This is plain, undeniable fact. If you disagree, you are ignorant of how computers function.

    The public ignorance of this will probably end up marching us into war one day, sooner or later.

  6. When I said "Nothing to do with HRC." I should have said "This is fact regardless of one's views on HRC." Certainly HRC supporters have an interest in making her look disadvantaged.

    The idea that one can attribute hacks to a particular actor by some digital "signature" or "fingerprint" is utter nonsense. This is why they had to catch Silk Road guy walking out of the internet cafe, You need names and addresses or you've got essentially zero evidence.

  7. "The idea that one can attribute hacks to a particular actor by some digital "signature" or "fingerprint" is utter nonsense. This is why they had to catch Silk Road guy walking out of the internet cafe, You need names and addresses or you've got essentially zero evidence."

    Your statement is proof! They didn't just happen to be having coffee across the street and stubbled upon Ross Ulbricht.

    This is just the beginning, better take this seriously...

  8. DAB,

    It is not proof. It is very plausible that someone on the other side of the planet was hacking via the computer in the internet cafe. Without physical observation of Ulbricht at that computer, they don't have a very good case even if they suspected it was him based on other evidence. I never stated it was impossible to know which computer was involved, but you need to link people with those computers to have a court case.

    The "Russians hacked the election" crowd are willing to start WWIII with this digital signature attribution nonsense. Reading tea leaves would be as accurate. There are people behind these claims that certainly know this - reason enough not to trust them.
