

Monday, September 25, 2017

Gordon Duff: We Have Met the Evil Empire and It is Us

I know some of you will view Gordon Duff as a conspiracy theorist but this article is very good. I gave up on Veteran's Today for years because it seemed mad and offbeat and I preferred instead reporters like Chris Hedges who were more measured and less forthright, but now, as the US has become more openly pro war and terrifying with its mask more revealed - to those of us who care to look - I find Veteran's frankness quite appropriate and to the point. It's full of horrible adverts, though, and it still remains a somewhat trying experience while trying to find the good stuff.

Here Gordon Duff describes here how poor many Americans were even in the so called good years of the 60's. He also points out that America has never been fully democratic.

When I told my father, back in 1968, that I was joining the United States Marine Corps he responded: “I hope you aren’t going to claim you are doing this to defend your country. Nobody attacked us, look around, no Viet Cong here, this is Wall Street’s war like the last one and the one before it and the one before that.”
Everything my father predicted has come to pass, America as a deindustrialized police state with a clown in the White House, nothing new there. Anyone unware that Eisenhower was a useless puppet as was Ford and Reagan and Bush 43 and the monstrosity we have now, deserves the America we have earned. His generation, those who grew up before the First World War, those who experienced the Great Depression with eyes open, they knew it was coming.
Life in America was pure injustice, the lash and the iron boot, despite the version of history we have been given by the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations who “re-invented” America and its history through taking control of public education in the late 1940s. You see, the multi-generational ignorance we bask in today is not unplanned. The threat represented by advances in communications and other technology was recognized and dealt with, utterly quashed at birth.
I recommend just a look at the Constitution itself. Why the “electoral college?” Few Americans know that the Senate was chosen, not elected, until the 20th century. Why two senators for states with no people? Why a Supreme Court? Those unaware that these unique aspects of America’s governmental organization need to read Charles Beard’s An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution (Columbia University Press, 1935).
There is nothing “democratic” about America and its government, the whole thing is a con. Election after election, every time Americans think they are voting to “drain the sewer” that Washington represents, only find themselves deeper in it. That was planned from the first also, but we are getting ahead of ourselves a bit.
  Today Americans are “defending democracy” in 6 dozen nations and, as predicted, invariably siding with tyrants, pushing a colonial agenda, there as bullies and thugs in uniform and doing so hiding behind the flag and the “honored dead.” I know this well because I was part of it.
For those of us who were born during the “post war baby boom,” the absurdity of patriotic rhetoric in response to the “red menace” poisoned our lives, polluted our educational experience, sickened our souls.
Even then, the reality of a government controlled by Wall Street was there to be seen. Higher education was unaffordable for all but the few, cities were dung heaps of filth and crime and America’s South was a land of starvation and poverty. Nearly half of all Americans lived in poverty, while the industrial workers of the North worked under conditions that made survival to retirement a pipe dream.
Every day my father would return from the Ford factory, describing 120-degree heat and air steeped in carcinogenic solvents. His friends and coworkers died in their 50s. By age 55, he had suffered half a dozen heart attacks and was on disability of $60 a month to support a family of 4. This is a common story, not an exception, this is how my generation grew up, mowing lawns, shoveling snow for money for shoes, working to support a family as early as 10. This is the American generation that went to Vietnam and it was the generation that taught the Pentagon that their games would not continue unopposed.
New Eastern Outlook:



  1. "Higher education was unaffordable for all but the few" : Completely false....

    ", cities were dung heaps of filth and crime" : Has been corrected in some cities including NYC largely due to Trump....

    "and America’s South was a land of starvation and poverty." : new south now wealthy....

  2. A bit of a rant, as usual from Duff, who tends to exaggerate, but much of it is backed up by historians and investigative reporters.

    But it's complicated. Most people, even pretty smart people. can't get a handle on it because they just don't have the chops, or don't because it costs too much in terms of time, energy and resources relative to their objectives.

    Knowledge is scalar. As the scale become larger, broader and deeper, the people able to grok it decreases.

    n addition, availability of information generally decreases as the scale increases. Think government classification and firm proprietary information, for instance. There's a lot that not even POTUS is aware of because no one informs him.

    TPTB are generally people that can hand the so-called Big Picture. But even they see it from an angle of self-interest and groupthink. As a result the consensus reality can blind them to emergence as the picture shifts and begins to morph into a different one. Many remain in denial even after it becomes rather obvious.

    Very few are able to see this happening at scale.

  3. We can't help but be bias, Matt shows different picture from a different time and place in the same era and sees a different narrative, so he's right in a sense, but so is Duff. But on the whole Duff has got it right.

    I was just watching a video by a holocaust denier who showed Jews living in holiday camps having fun (but we don't know if these film footages are German propaganda videos) and then he showed some pictures of starving Jews in supposed Soviet concentration camps. After that the anti communist rant started and I agreed withe facts but not the way it is being presented so I wrote this underneath.

    The Western capitalists, right-wing Christians, and Conservatives were just as brutal which has left 20 Million dead since WW2 because US instigated wars which were fought to install puppet regimes to exploit those countries wealth which was funnelled through the capitalist system of Wall Street and The City of London.

    And we never hear about the Soviets carpet bombing whole countries back to the stone ages with napalm, prosperous, and other nasty bombs killing millions of innocent people and wiping out whole villages, towns, and regions. And these bombs cost a lot of money and the capitalists made their fortunes out of it and because of that many of these wars were delayed from ever ending because the US military-industrial complex was making a packet.

    Now look at this article and replace the American uniforms with Nazi ones and you will see that the US behaved no differently to the Nazis, or at least how the West portrayed them to be - The Unknown Truth about Korea:

    And there was the Christian American genocide of the Native Americans: EVERYONE MUST KNOW THIS before it is deleted, Why is the US government always hiding it (This video was put up by a Christian). Yes, the communists were brutal, but so were the Western Christian capitalists who made their family fortunes out of 400 years of the slave trade. The ruling elite everywhere are brutal.

  4. Matt,

    ", cities were dung heaps of filth and crime" : Has been corrected in some cities including NYC largely due to Trump....

    Trump? Howzat? Trump was a teenager during the period Duff is talking about.

    And for the record, NYC’s crime rate was sky-high.

    Read this: “History of New York City (1946–77)”–77)

  5. Just ignore Matt, he can't see past the 4 walls of his ivory tower.

    Rudy "cleaned up" NYC by cracking down on jaywalking, littering and open beverages.

    Less than 1/3 have a bachelors, and many of them are drowning in debt.

    Half the US population does not have $1,000 in the bank.

  6. 60s and 70s NYC a dump .. they had this Kurt Russell movie called 'Escape from New York" where they just put walls around Manhattan and made the whole thing a jail... art imitates life....

    . Corrected in the 80s trump was involved in leading NYC out of the shitter.... starting to backslide with Bloomberg and Deblasio now....

    Kurt Russell might have to dust off the old Snake Plisskin character for a part deux with these lefties screwing the whole thing up now...

  7. Escape from New York released 1981:

    You couldn't even make that today nobody would go and nobody would understand the whole thing....

  8. MRW,

    Trump was 31 in 1977... hardly a teenager ...

    He was a teenager when it was a shithole yes if that was your point ... then as an adult he worked to turn it around and was successful ...

  9. The left is incompetent in material endeavors period...

  10. If you want material system outcomes to be f-ed up then bring in the left and soon it will be a shithole...

  11. Matt relies on old B science fiction films to reinforce his world view.

  12. Franco=illogical & BIASED per usual. Makes Funny Money Roddis seem sane. Bobby, where you been?
