

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Moon of Alabama — The "Russian Influence" Stories Promote Russia's Might - Is Putin Paying For Them?

Moon of Alabama explains how ridiculous, but dangerous for democracy nevertheless, the "Russian influence" media mania has become. He speculates felicitously that perhaps Putin is funding it to make the US look weak and Russia strong.
Looking from the outside the U.S. media have simply gone nuts. There seems to be no other way to explain the silliness of their "reporting".
Then again: Could they all be under Russian influence? Are Russian secret services paying for such stories?
Consider that all the "Russian hacking" and "Russian influence" stories are amplifying (the illusion of) Russian might.
Isn't that exactly what Putin wants?
I would say that there are several factors involved.

1. The gambit began as a scapegoat for an ignominious election loss.

2. Then it was picked up as fitting in to the deep state agenda of demonizing Russia in order to provide justification for increasing military expenditure and also occupying Europe.

3. The next step was the realization that it could be used to mount a campaign for censorship in order to permit TPTB to control the narrative.

Isn't this where the attack on democracy is coming from rather than "Russia."

"Russian influence" seems to have begun as a distraction and now it has become a rationale for military expansion and cover for extension of government control over the national discourse.

Moon of Alabama
The "Russian Influence" Stories Promote Russia's Might - Is Putin Paying For Them?

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