

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Reuters/Ipsos poll — Fewer than a third of Americans back Trump tax plan

As the 2018 midterm congressional election campaigns grow nearer, the poll found that more than two-thirds of registered voters said reducing the U.S. federal budget deficit is more important than cutting taxes for the wealthy or for corporations.

Trump’s plan would balloon the deficit and add to the $20 trillion national debt, according to critics and independent analysts, but Republicans say the tax cuts proposed in the plan would be offset by economic growth that would generate new tax revenue.

Among Republicans surveyed, 63 percent said deficit reduction should take priority over tax cuts for corporations, while 75 percent said deficit reduction should take priority over tax cuts for the wealthy.
Deficit hysteria and debt phobia is popular in the US.

Fewer than a third of Americans back Trump tax plan: Reuters/Ipsos poll
Amanda Becker and Chris Kahn


  1. Shows the real power of TV repeating lies over and over again in 15 min soundbites.

    It works and works well.

    2/3rds is a huge number it will take us 100 years to get the truth out there.

    From the bottom up is the way to go. Just imagine if you could start from the bottom up within a huge organisation until everyone within that organisation knew the truth.

    Like this from the NHS Foundation Trust.

  2. The turning point could come from crisis of one sort or another. Then people start looking around, and any option on the table stands a chance. So it is a good strategy to get the MMT out onto the table.

  3. Problem is the people who start looking around have no real power and then beaten down by those who do.

    Just look at the last crises. Losses passed onto the public without as much as even a fight because the path was set by repeating bullshit every 15 mins until the public became hypnotised by fear.

    These bastards have used every crises in the last 100 years to further their agenda. They pray for a crises as it speeds things up for them.

  4. From the top down aint working Tom.

    Grass roots is where it is at. Educating from the ground up. A perfect oppertunity for the unions to teach their membership how it really works.

  5. Rising social unrest at the time of the Great Depression resulted in the election of FDR and his adoption of the New Deal from ideas that were "lying around" in the face of squeals from the Establishment.

    Rising social unrest over Vietnam resulted in the end of the draft, against the wishes of the US military at the time. Moreover, US leaders have been very wary of committing US boots on the ground since then, even with a professional army.

  6. I honestly think times have changed since then.

    There was no 24/7, 15 minute soundbites in those days. They have way so much power and control over the media since then.

  7. It's a different game, for sure. But it works both ways. Before the Internet it was relatively simple to control the narrative. Now that TPTB are losing control of the narrative they are freaking out.

    MMT is actually spreading like wildfire by historical comparison with knowledge diffusion and that is owing to the Internet.

  8. US leaders have been very wary of committing US boots on the ground since then, even with a professional army.

    The National Guard spent a decade in Iraq and the "professional" military is largely made up of people who don't have any other options. By keeping a large sector unemployed they create an all-volunteer military, lowering the standards to fill the quotas. The real pros are the mercenary armies of subcontractors that are not counted as 'boots on the ground'.

    Vietnam taught them not to do body counts and show body bags on TV. Dead soldiers returning to Andrews were banned from media coverage.

  9. Deficit hysteria and debt phobia is popular in the US.

    Yes, but even the current U.S. Treasury Secretary, Mnuchin, believes this deficit/debt nonsense, let alone the Orange-Haired One in the White House:

    Mnuchin: Tax plan will cut deficits by $1 trillion
