

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Michael Hudson’s “TED TALK” on Economics

Contains an excellent video of Micheal Hudson talking about his book, J is for Junk Economics, and he emphasis here how Trump was the lesser evil than Hilary. That made me laugh because when I tell my liberal friends this they look horrified. The UK Guardian recently run an article by Zoe Williams titled, Why does nobody mention that Hillary Clinton is perfectly nice? But the Guardian closed CiF after only 90 comments, probably because of the type of comments it was getting, so I didn't get a chance to write, 'We came, he saw, he died, ha ha ha', with a link to the Hilary video. But the Guardian would have no doubt removed my comment.

Ross Ashcroft, who made the film, The Four Horseman, and is part of the team behind the Renegade Economists, is now a presenter at RT which seems to be fast hoovering up all the best journalists I have enjoyed over the years.

Micheal Hudson - Michael Hudson’s “TED TALK” on Economics


  1. Michael Hudson has not talks on This is nothing like a Ted Talk. It's an interview.

    1. You're right, this was Michael Hudson's title. I doubt if they would let him talk on TEDx..

  2. Haven't seen the vid of Hudson yet so I don't know which aspect of lesser evilism he's referring to, but I still believe that it was either President Trump now, or something like President Cruz in 4 or 8 years. I'll take the incompetent bozo any day over the evil smart guy.

    Trump beat the most powerful political machine in the country and dick slapped the entire establishment. I thought "you can't pull that off and be a total moron", but all the signs since then seem to point to him actually being completely incompetent, so that tells me that the people are even more sick of the establishment than I thought (and I'm a cynical asshole).

    1. Good point there about Cruz. We don't want him.

  3. "but all the signs since then seem to point to him actually being completely incompetent"

    Perhaps that's the movie on your screen.

  4. “an Age of Deception”

    Ah yes the vast “neoliberal conspiracy!” strikes again... talk about incompetence...

  5. He’s trying to say Economics is screwed up yet he is a trained Economist....


  6. Economics is an Arts degree the trained skill is dogma regurgitation it’s not a science degree where one is trained in scientific methods...
