

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

RT - Trump, Putin have ‘great call’ that lasts 1.5 hrs

See how friendly Putin and Trump are. It must terrify the US Military-Industrial complex, the Neocons, and the neoliberals.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. If there was any serious discussion between Trump and Putin, I doubt very much Trump had a clue, or even cared for that matter, to what Putin was talking about. I still recall that time, earlier this year, when Trump had Putin on the phone for the first time. When Putin asked him for an extension of the START treaty, Trump had to put down the phone for a minute to ask one of his generals what Putin was talking about. Then he gets back on the phone and tells Putin that the treaty sucks, to forget about it. So what did they talk about for over an hour? Beauty pageants, of course, and how beautiful Slavic women are ;)

    Now, I was going to write that if Trump were serious about restarting the dialogue with Russia, serious of easing tensions with Russia, then why has he surrounded himself with generals who see Russia as the enemy? And then I thought to myself, "does it really matter when there no functioning State Department to begin with?" As for the current National Security Council? Anemic.

    Btw ... when Tillerson was overheard saying the words "f-cking moron," how do we know he wasn't referring to himself? Surely, there is no one here who believes for a moment that Tillerson is competent for the SofS position, is there? (Yes, I know -- it takes a f-cuking moron to hire another f-cking moron.)

  3. We need to get the wall built and then send the drones into Mexico... plenty of other targets out there...
