

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Farron Cousins - Trump Administration Cuts Aide For Homeless Veterans

In a truly heartless move by the Trump Administration, they have announced that they're going to be ending a program funded by the Federal Government that is supposed to house homeless United States veterans. Now, the program costs about $460 million every year, and the reason they're trying to end it is because, again, they're trying to reduce the deficit that they created with their massive tax breaks. One of the ways they're going to do that is to stop trying to find homes for homeless veterans in this country. Ever since the Bush Administration, and we did plenty of stories on this back in the day, Republicans have always claimed to be the party that supports the troops. However, during the Bush Administration, they sent them to war with subpar equipment that resulted in far more deaths than should've taken place, and then they did absolutely nothing to protect those veterans when they came back to the United States. Here, today, Donald Trump is continuing this tradition. They love to go out there and campaign with the military and say, "We want a strong military. We want to protect. We support our troops," but the fact is, they don't. Once you get back from war, and, hell, even before you get sent off to war, they don't give a damn about the military. Those soldiers, who are going out every day and fighting on behalf of the United States ... The Republicans view you as no more than cannon fodder, and, once you get back, once you're no longer over there fighting for us, they don't care. They don't care if you're homeless. They don't care if you come back addicted to drugs. They don't care if you come back with PTSD, because they're not going to provide you services to help make it better. They don't do anything.


  1. “they're trying to reduce the deficit that they created with their massive tax breaks”

    The tax cuts don’t go into effect until Jan 1 and we are running a surplus so far in December....

  2. The deficit is largely from excessive military spending that resulted in homeless veterans, among other things. Of course repeated massive tax cuts for the last 40 years haven't helped.

    Matt, try not to gag on your massive tax cut.
