

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Gilbert Doctorow — Herman Gref in "The Financial Times": a grave warning that merits our full attention

For all of these reasons, 2018 will be a year for vigilance and attention to detail in a world that is very troubled and moving towards disorder.
US getting back at Russia for the defeat in Syria? The obvious outcome is that the US is on track to lose Europe.

Une parole franche
Herman Gref in "The Financial Times": a grave warning that merits our full attention
Gilbert Doctorow | European Coordinator of The American Committee for East West Accord Ltd.


  1. “US getting back at Russia for the defeat in Syria?”

    Tom FYI Democrats lost and Trump is in there coming up on 1 year....

  2. Dems and Reps play for the same team. They only differ on a few domestic policies. And most of that is an illusion that they use to differentiate themselves from each other.

  3. Trump has signaled a clean slate with Russia...

  4. That doesn’t mean he is going to take shit from them...

  5. This is the way it should have worked : Trump gives Russia the intel on St. Petersburg attack and then Russia votes with US on Jerusalem... instead those drunks Fed it up and now they will be facing Javelins in Ukraine....

    Russia might have sobered up though now they are signaling trying to get involved with N Korea which is what Trump wanted either Russia or preferably China to do...
