

Friday, December 22, 2017

Trump is the weakest president in American history.

Despite all his tough talk and bravado, Trump is the weakest president in American history. He has lamely, and in record time, become the most malleable puppet of the neocon, military/security state. He is the embodiment of what Eisenhower warned against. Even the meek and thin-skinned Obama wasn't this bad. Obama at least pushed back. sometimes. He had limits. Trump? A total puppet.


  1. Mike,

    Don't forget that Trump's idiot UN Ambassador is "taking names" for him so that he can presumably, as he puts it with blustering and impotent machismo, "get even". The "taking names" should be easy for Trump and even Haley to remember. It's the whole world.

  2. Hillary was what Eisenhower warned about. Not Hillary (tRUMP) just proves that they're all puppets, and that you can be in that position if you don't follow the program. JFK was the last one who didn't.

  3. I'm hoping he doesn't run again. Trump blew up Washington and the academic left narrative. He did what he came to do in epic fashion but it's all down hill from here. His ideas aren't all that great aside from the degeneracy and failure of the academic/media left. He should triumphantly go back to Trump tower.

  4. Trump can have his own wars if he wants to... he doesnt need past policy of his predecessors for his guidance...

    He's perfectly capable of making his own wars for his own reasons...

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.
