

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Moon of Alabama "Russian bots" - How An Anti-Russian Lobby Creates Fake News — Moon of Alabama "Russian bots" - How An Anti-Russian Lobby Creates Fake News

Another detailed account.

This is nuts.
Last August, when the Hamilton 68 project was first released, the Nation was the only site critical of it. It predicted:
The import of GMF's project is clear: Reporting on anything that might put the US in a bad light is now tantamount to spreading Russian propaganda.
It is now even worse than that. The top ranking of the #merrychristmas hashtag shows that the algorithm does not even care about good or bad news. The tracked twitter accounts are normal people.
The whole project is just a means to push fake stories about alleged "Russian influence" into U.S. medias. Whenever some issue creeps up on its dashboard that somehow fits its false "Russian bots" and "divisiveness" narrative the Alliance for Securing Democracy contacts the media to spread its poison. The U.S. media, - CNN, Wired, the New York Times - are by now obviously devoid of thinking journalists and fact checkers. They simple re-package the venom and spread it to the public.
How long will it take until people die from it?
Moon of Alabama
"Russian bots" - How An Anti-Russian Lobby Creates Fake News

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