

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Norbert Häring — George Soros’ INET, the Trojan horse of the financial oligarchy

Four years ago, I framed it as a question: “George Soros‘ INET: An institute to improve the world or a Trojan horse of the financial oligarchy?” Today I would not use a question mark any more.Frances Coppola came to a similiar conclusion after attending the big INET gathering in Edingburgh in October.…
Sleeping with the devil.

Real-World Economics Review Blog
George Soros’ INET, the Trojan horse of the financial oligarchy
Norbert Häring | economics correspondent for Handelsblatt, the German business newspaper, and co-founder and co-director of the World Economics Association and co-editor of the World Economic Review

1 comment:

  1. I do like Coppola's description of Institute for New Economic Thinking. I've long been puzzled as to what INET has ever come up with that's "new". Thanks for that.
