

Friday, February 2, 2018

Sputnik International — US New NPR: Foreign Threats Justify Arms Spending Hike - Russian Ambassador

The new arms race heats up.
The Trump Administration's newly-released Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) lays out plans to modernize the US nuclear triad by integrating nuclear capability on the F-35 fighter jet, deploying low-yield warheads at sea, and developing new silo-based strategic weapons, among other initiatives.…
Nutty logic.
The review claims a stronger US nuclear deterrent is needed to discourage Russia, China, Iran and North Korea from either developing new weapons or expanding existing arsenals.
This will provoke further steps to maintain parity rather than discourage declared adversaries.

The US policy is military dominance. This policy guarantees an arms race.

Sputnik International
US New NPR: Foreign Threats Justify Arms Spending Hike - Russian Ambassador

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to Cold War 2.0.

    Because the last one worked out so very well.
