

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Was Palestinian teenager’s ‘slap’ terrorism? BBC News


  1. That Israeli official was so arrogant. They know they are wrong but no one does anything about it so they don't care. Good to see the BBC put this out.

  2. 75 years ago who would have thought that the Jews of the future would be running the world's largest concentration camp?

    Maybe there is a reason for the repeated historical persecution of Jews. Or maybe it's just the human condition?

  3. Hey John it came out this week that Carter Page was employed by one group of the FBI as an undercover agent in a counterintelligence op and then this unbeknownst to the Clintonista group in the FBI they said he was a Russian spy and got Title 1 surveillance approved on him AT THE SAME TIME.... LOL!!!!!

  4. Matt, the Federal agencies get up to all kind of silliness all the time. They can be pretty incompetent too, like political and economic "masterminds" who end up taking the country through unnecessary pain. We'll see were all these weird detours on the Trump highway go to.

    As you know, this Russia thing from day one has been total bullshit. Either the establishment has gone bonkers and bought into this nonsense about Trump being a Russian lackey or they're using that as a ruse while they're doing something else. The latter is possible but unlikely. So it seems the US establishment has gone stark raving bonkers. They used to be bad enough, but now collective insanity has gripped them.

    Nevertheless, Mueller and team aren't insane. They're serious and apparently brilliant investigators, no matter what anyone says. The team is full of money laundering experts, which tells us all we need to know. It'd be the shock of the century if, with all the incredible resources they have at their disposable, they don't find mountains of evidence to bury Trump. The question is whether the establishment will call it off because Trump will make a deal. To me, it seems they're going for the jugular. Trump is visibly starting to sweat and getting the shakes. As they say in Mafia films, "His eyes were too big for his stomach".

    I'm not being partisan when I say the man looks like the fight is going out of him. By now, he's realised he should have played all this very differently, listened to Bannon over Comey, never had that amazingly arrogant political ignoramus Kushner anywhere near him and had more serious and intelligent advisers from day one who would control the chaos. He could still have kept up the nationalism versus internationalism if he wanted, still baited the media but in a less abrasive fashion, still played to his base and all the other things that he thinks he absolutely must be loyal to. The brief and unnecessarily madcap Trump presidency will be a salutary lesson for all political science majors in the near future. I almost fell sorry for him!

  5. Matt, I forgot to mention that I saw an amazing thing the other day. Some journalist was explaining that it is conceivable that Pence is involved in some unpleasantness too, and may be toppled along with Trump. In which case, constitutionally Nancy Pelosi would become president! That would be civil war 2.0. If there's one person the right hates more than Hillary, it's Pelosi. I don't know how anyone can hate anybody more than Hillary. Nancy Pelosi as president! In which case, the Austrians may be right: buy gold, guns and tinned foods!
