

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Andrew Brennan — US media is more neo-McCarthyism than journalism

What we are watching in the US is a hysteria being orchestrated by parties and members of the US corporate and political establishment to rally “America” against the “commie Soviets” again, except there are no “commie Soviets.” The push for Russophobia is like nothing Western audiences – yes, audiences because this is theater – have seen before, even during the Cold War.
Night and day, the press wheels churn any and all content warning that the Russians are coming, linking Russia to everything dubious and malevolent. The US corporate media has desensitized and drained the public’s tolerance in being able to take any more indoctrinating daily shows on Russia. The media pundits have actually polarized American society regarding President Donald Trump and Russia....
Asia Times
US media is more neo-McCarthyism than journalism
Andrew Brennan


  1. Did the Russians put all those potholes in the roads? Did they shoot up the schools? Are they profiting from the opiate crisis? Did they knock down that bridge in Florida? Are they setting off bombs in Austin? Did they make my health insurance affordable? Did they give my car a flat tire? Do they gouge me on cellphone service? Did they put Listeria in my frozen veggies? Do they wear blue uniforms and kill >3 US citizens every day? Did they derail the AMTRAK train?

  2. No, but hopefully "Putin did it" and "the Russians are coming" will distract you from this. :o
