

Friday, March 23, 2018

C. J. Hopkins — Then They Came for the Globalists

Satire for weekend reading.

Then They Came for the Globalists
C. J. Hopkins, award-winning American playwright, novelist and satirist based in Berlin


  1. I guess that we are all Nazis now.

  2. Have been reading Hopkins stuff for a while now..., and am currently reading his novel, "Zone 23", Highly recommended as well.

  3. The problem with calling everyone Nazi is it becomes a joke. The counter counter counter culture begins to treat it as humorous, even though there is nothing humorous about real Nazis. The left is funny though, anyone who disagrees with their ideology has to be dumb, racist, Nazi, white supremacists rich source of humor. On Twitter some Australians started using the Easter toad as a picture and made a conscious effort not to say or do anything "racist" while claiming the toad represented "coziness" to see how long it would take to become labeled a hate symbol, like Pepe, the frog. Within weeks the ADL, SPLC said it was a new "worse" racist meme, followed by articles in Vice, HuffPo, Atlantic and other publications. The Ironic part was that after being labelled "racist" real racists actually began to take up the image as their own and made it racist rather than a joke to make fun of the left who see racism where it doesn't even exist. So who knows, maybe humans just need to create their own tribes in our increasingly secular world. In the west skin color is easy to identity as different, nothing else let's us differentiate us from them. So maybe the Dems were onto something and we do need to divide society on race and go back to the left's past of racism because who the hell can identify a neolib or globalist. Useless to man on the street.

  4. Ryan, They are non material oriented people who are envious of the material oriented people... they feel separated from material when at the same time we need material systems to subsist and more importantly THRIVE..... ALL of us...

    If you are not material oriented, you are somewhat screwed the way we run things currently...

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