

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Keith A. Spencer — Thomas Piketty Sees Only One Way to Defeat the Rise of the Radical Right

In a new paper, French political economist Thomas Piketty, author of the bestselling 2013 book "Capital in the Twenty-First Century," argues that Western political parties on the right and left have both become parties of the "elites."
Yet the 65-page paper from the notoriously punctilious economist — titled "Brahmin Left vs. Merchant Right: Rising Inequality & the Changing Structure of Political Conflict" — is more surprising for the lessons it has for the political left in the Western world. Indeed, the left-populist wing of Western political parties, including the American progressive movement restarted by Bernie Sanders, has reason to celebrate: Piketty's paper aligns with their somewhat counterintuitive strategy that shifting the Democratic Party platform more to the left is actually a winning electoral strategy that can help bring back disenfranchised working-class voters and less educated voters who currently may not vote at all or identify with right-wing populism.…
Thomas Piketty Sees Only One Way to Defeat the Rise of the Radical Right
Keith A. Spencer, Salon


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Some good news, and add some MMT so we can lower the tax burden on ordinary people will help win votes too. It will leave the Conservative Party as the high tax austerity party.

  2. But the DNC is broke again as usual so just like the Clintons did last time its going to take somebody with big munnie writing a $40M check to fund it and then they get to determine the nominee...
