

Monday, April 23, 2018

Craig Murray — Condemned By Their Own Words

The Zionists are getting slammed, in case you missed it. And they are not helping their own case.

Craig Murray Blog
Condemned By Their Own Words
Craig Murray, formerly British ambassador to Uzbekistan and Rector of the University of Dundee


  1. Tom here:

    Israeli guy: "let’s maybe look at this matter on three levels. At the tactical level that we all love dealing with, the local one, also at the level of values, and with your permission, we will also rise up to the strategic level. "

    there is a shift going on back to strategic level systems in global conflict...

    iow, Israel is not trying to be "nation building!" in Gaza they are simply killing the enemy who is approaching their strategic borders...

    Same thing in Yemen where the Saudis are hitting the weddings lately... they are simply killing the enemy... they are not trying to "nation build!" Yemen they are simply killing their enemies at a wedding or wtf...

    You guys are biased anti-war so you wont be able to understand any of this... it will just look like wanton killing to you guys...

    The current shift is back towards strategic level of operations as primary from the former special operations as primary...

    This kind of thing will get worse in the ROW as the US withdraws as the US was formerly the big pusher of "nation building!" which used special operations and low intensity conflict as the primary tactic... see the US in Syria and Libya and Iraq and Afghanistan going back... it doesnt (hasnt) worked... Trump can see this and is going back to strategic systems approach... big iron..

    Think of it like the Section 8 subsidized housing approach (tactical) vs. the old school large Cabrini Green type of public housing complexes (strategic)...

    We are going back to strategic systems..

  2. The israeli guy should read up on the history of India and the effect that beating and killing protestors had on perception of the British.

    The Zionists are taking a beating, even in the US media, thanks to high-visibility celebs like Natalie Portman.

    Israel is going to lose this one. Especially with non-Jews outnumbering Jews in Israel, Zionism faces a very unfavorable future demographically.

    Overall, the developed nations are "browning" and there is no way to stop it short of neo-Nazism.

    The US has already lost its soft power over human rights. It's now obvious that it's a hypocritical sham.

  3. Israel has been getting brash lately, as if they know they won't be criticised because they control so much of the West, including it's media and the politicians, but they have started to look openly fascist, as their hubris has got ahead of them.

  4. Israel may be allying with Saudi... probably get Jordan too...

  5. Israel allying with Saudi Arabia would be a fatal strategic mistake. I shouldn't need to explain that.

  6. Israel allying with Saudi Arabia would be a fatal strategic mistake.

    This has to some extent already happened and is progressing apace.

    Israel and Saudi Arabia share common enemies in Iran and Syria. It looks to me like the plan is to divide up the middle east between them. High-level meetings have been reported.

    When the US gave the Saudi's an arms deals worth > $100b, Israel yawned. Not the kind of response you'd expect from two countries diametrically opposed to each other.

    Any US arms deal in the mid-east must be pre-approved by Israel.

  7. The enemy of my enemy is my friend — temporarily.

  8. Israel doesn't have any friends, only vassals and enemies.
