

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Deutsche Wirtshaftnachrichten — German press says US kneecapped itself with its sanctions on Russian aluminum

The US sanctions against aluminum producer Rusal seem to be a shot in their own knees: After the US government found that the price of aluminum went up as a result of uncertainty about the future of Rusal, US companies, and the massively hit western allies, the government in Washington backpedaled on Monday.
US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said in a statement: “Rusal has felt the impact of US sanctions for its involvement with Oleg Deripaska, but the US government is not targeting the hard-working people who depend on Rusal and its affiliates. Rusal approached us to request removal from the list. Given the impact on our partners and allies, we have decided to postpone the resolution and dismantling phase while reviewing the request from Russia.”….
Merkel traveled to the US to clue Trump in about the economic and consequential political effects that sanctions are having on Germany.

Fort Russ
German press says US kneecapped itself with its sanctions on Russian aluminum
English translation posted at Fort Russ
Translated by Tom Winter

See also at Fort Russ

Backgrounder on Armenia, Moldova, and Belarus.

Post-Soviet Standoff: After Armenia, Who’s Next?
Eduard Popov, translated by Jafe Arnold

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