

Saturday, April 28, 2018

John Helmer — The Samson Haircut Option – One Step Before Russia Opens Fire on American, Israeli Forces

At the start of April President Vladimir Putin believed he could postpone Russia’s strategic and battlefield responses to the state of war which the US is escalating. He was to be disappointed.
On April 6, the US Treasury announced it is putting the state aluminium monopoly United Company Rusal out of business, not only in the US but worldwide. Not since July 26, 1941, when President Franklin Roosevelt froze Japanese assets in the US and prohibited all US trade with Japan, especially metals and oil, as well as all US dollar transactions, has the American state attempted such a thing against a rival Great Power. Roosevelt calculated it was one deterrent step short of US war with Japan. Everybody understands now that miscalculation led to Japan’s decision to make its preemptive strike against the US Navy at Pearl Harbor, five months later....
Economic warfare. Playing with fire?

This is a bit longish but worth the read. The Samson haircut is electronic warfare (EW) that takes out US communications in an area.

Dances with Bears


  1. China has this figured out. All of China's major industries are SOEs (state owned enterprises).

  2. Apparently the Russian EW capability is no surprise. Plans are afoot to further increase military spending. Mission accomplished!
