

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Sputnik — Opinion Scholar Sees ‘Obvious Tendency’ of US Trying to ‘Contain, Oust’ Russia and China

China's Defense Minister Wei Fenghe has called on Shanghai Cooperation Organization member countries to improve cooperation in defense and security. Assistant Director of the Center for Regional Security Studies of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Dr. Yang Danzhi believes that the Chinese proposal has come at the right time....
Global North and West lining up for WWIII with Global South and East as US stumbles into the Thucydides trap.

Sputnik International — Opinion
Scholar Sees ‘Obvious Tendency’ of US Trying to ‘Contain, Oust’ Russia and China

On Monday April 16, a well-oiled machine of anti-Russian sanctions experienced a major hiccup. This day the US Treasury promised to announce new sanctions against Russia’s companies and persons, if the US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley to be believed. Why would the US Ambassador to the UN do such things as announcing the US Treasury’s plans is everyone’s guess, especially since this Monday, when it was still earlier morning in the US, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov gave an interview to the BBC, during which he said the following words : “obsession with Russophobia which looks like, you know, genocide by sanctions.….
The key here was Lavrov’s remark on the nature of anti-Russian sanctions as being a genocide. This indicated a complete reversal of Russia’s government attitude to sanctions that for the last four years have been mostly positive as in “sanctions help Russia’s economy to develop.”…
Lavrov never exaggerates and always states plainly and clearly of what it is. If the US continues on the path of sanctions it will meet its absolute dead end, because at this point as April sanctions are concerned, the US Treasury moved into territory described in Russia’s new military doctrine as a threat to existence of the nation....
Putting the West on notice. Proceed at your own risk.

The Vineyard of the Saker
On sanctions
Scott Humor

Then there is the wild card in the deck — Israel.

Zero Hedge
Russia To Send Advanced Anti-Aircraft Missiles To Syria, Warns Israel Of "Catastrophic Consequences


  1. Eliminating Russia’s ability to dump its surplus aluminum into the US for USDs is not a threat to Russia’s existence...

  2. When Larry Kudlow is the sane voice in the room we are in deep shit. Also the clash of exceptionalism is a clash of two banking systems, private and public, does anyone think that our system will win/
