

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

John Helmer — Alexei Kudrin Makes Prostration Speech for Parliament Vote -– the Arch-Capitulationist Capitulates

Kudrin’s reversal reveals the degree to which the balance of power in Russian politics has changed decisively against the party of capitulation, and in favour of the Stavka, the combined forces of the Defence Ministry, General Staff, the intelligence services, and the military-industrial complex.…
The Atlantic integrationists are out and Eurasian nationalists in. (While JH doesn't mention it, China is the big beneficiary.)

1 comment:

  1. “The Atlantic integrationists are out and Eurasian nationalists in.”

    Yes. A week ago I wrote a lengthy comment stating that in Iran (like Russia) the Atlantic integrationists are out, and the Iranian nationalists are in.

    Hassan Rouhani is an integrationist. He was elected president (14 June 2013) on a promise that he would get all the Western sanctions lifted. Rouhani partly succeeded on 14 July 2015 with the signing of the “Iran Deal.” But then Trump reneged on the U.S. promises, while neocon extremist Mike Pompeo says he will hit Iran with “the strongest sanctions in history.” Corporate media outlets are stepping up their “Iranian missiles” rhetoric. Israel is calling Europe a “sponsor of terrorism” for wanting to keep the Iran deal. Netanyahu’s cabinet is meeting in underground bunkers for dramatic effect. Yesterday Trump told reporters there’s "a very substantial chance" that he will cancel the June 12 summit with North Korea. (Naturally Trump will blame it on North Korea).

    Yes indeed. The bus is headed for a cliff, the driver is a suicidal madman, and we passengers are all chained to our seats.
