

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

RT ‘Way to disaster’: Moscow warns US against deploying WMDs in space, threatens with ‘tough response’

Russia draws a red line for the new US "Space Force" that the President established to ensure US dominance of space. Escalation.

Another treaty about to bite the dust? (Outer Space Treaty of 1967.)

‘Way to disaster’: Moscow warns US against deploying WMDs in space, threatens with ‘tough response’


  1. Moscow's nuclear weapons and conventional weaponry was largely obsolete before Space Force. With Space Force all Russia base are belong to us.

  2. Both Russia and China are working on systems to take out satellites, which the US relies on for command and control. So far, I believe that this from the ground. Both have refrained from putting attack satellites in space, but that is likely now on the table.

    This will involve a huge escalation of the arms race, one object of which from the side of the US is to "bankrupt" adversary as they try to compete with the huge industrial might of the US with limited resources.

    The trade war against China is mostly about denying China the technology to compete with the US economically and militarily.

    US hybrid warfare is aimed at destabilizing adversary and their potential allies.

    It's a full court press.

    This is enormous waste of resources for all concerned, but if one doesn't compete, then one is ceding the field. Not going to happen.

  3. This mostly pulls back the cover on the space weaponry, I think. We're on 3rd or 4th generation weapons and counter measures. Still primitive but alot further along than the 1980s when people heard about concepts under development then.


  5. On one hand we have created great works of art and music, on the other we are racing toward self-extinction.

    Go figure.

  6. “This will involve a huge escalation of the arms race, one object of which from the side of the US is to ‘bankrupt’ adversary as they try to compete with the huge industrial might of the US with limited resources.” ~ Tom Hickey

    The "huge industrial might" of the US is already being bankrupted by the money powers. The USA is no longer centered on industrial production, but on debt bondage and rent extraction.

    As a result, every day the USA gets weaker, while Russia and China get stronger.

  7. “the US is already being bankrupted by the money powers.”

    Is our “debt to gdp” ratio getting too high?

    Hey you should take a look at Carmen Reinhart’s work some time... I think you would like it...

  8. On one hand we have created great works of art and music, on the other we are racing toward self-extinction.

    The spiritual dialectic that is also reflected in the historical dialectic involved the inner conflict between the "angel" of inherent potential to become fully human contending with the animal nature based on evolutionary biology for control. This struggle is the struggle is the struggle for self-control that begins with spiritual discipline and culminated in spiritual mastery, in which doing the right thing is natural. This doesn't involve adding anything to human potential but rather unfolding it.

    Aristotle's Nichomachean Ethics is a good example of the in the West and it strongly influence the development of the Western intellectual tradition, later combined with the ancient Hebrew mythos of the the Fall and the subsequent struggle with "the devil." This internal struggle is objectified socially in history.

    This internal dialectic is the inner meaning of jihad as "holy war." Hasidism (also transliterated as Chasidim) has a tsimilar concept.

  9. Is our “debt to gdp” ratio getting too high?

    In a media world in which perception is reality, if the perception is that the debt is too high, then people will start behaving like it is too high. This has already been going on in the US for some time. Of course, it is false but that hasn't affected perception and policy based on it.

    It's's all about "confidence" and "expectations."

    This is why narrative control and framing are key socially, politically and economically.

    The dialectic rules.

  10. "Is our 'debt to GDP' ratio getting too high?" ~ Tom Hickey

    Not getting too high; is too high in terms of private debt such as mortgages, student loans, payday loans, etc.

    Meanwhile the public debt-to-GDP ratio is meaningless for the USA. (The so-called “national debt.”)

    Pundits, professors, and politicians talk about the trivial public debt in order to distract public attention from the disastrous private debt.

    Incidentally, Republicans are now calling for massive cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid to “pay for” their deficit-exploding tax cuts for the wealthy.

    Republicans will get away with this, because the masses live in a “consensus reality.” For the lower classes, money is physical and limited, while the U.S. government runs on loans and tax revenue. These are “facts” as surely as water is wet and the sky is blue. Since the lower classes insist on clinging to these “facts,” they remain trapped in a miserable existence.

    According to many accounts I have read, this same “consensus reality” phenomenon persists after we die. We go to whatever astral plane corresponds to our personal beliefs. The more limited and negative our personal beliefs, the more limited and negative is our afterlife.
