

Friday, June 29, 2018

Tom Watson says Labour's antisemitism crisis 'worse' now

 Deputy Leader 'ashamed' of party's response to Jew hate

One by one, Labour Party members could end up getting expelled from the British Labour Party if they ever mention they disprove of Israel's policies. Freedom of speech is being curtailed. Tom Watson says he's glad that Ken Livingstone left the Labour Party. But this which hunt  is really a ploy to remove Jeremy Corbyn as party leader. Just about any self respecting lefty would disapprove of Israel's policies towards the Palestinians, so this is an assault on the majority British Labour Party members. They are not antisemitic, and many Jews in the Labour Party agree with them. KV

At last week's JLM AGM in Westminster, Ivor Caplin was confirmed as the group's new chair - replacing Jeremy Newmark who resigned earlier this year.
In his first speech in the role, Mr Caplin, a former Labour MP and defence minister in Tony Blair's government, said: "Far too often we are seeing antisemitism dressed up by some as comment on Israel - it is not and it has to stop."
Singling out notorious Labour MP Chris Williamson, Mr Caplin said: "I am really disappointed the Chief Whip has not withdrawn the Whip from him yet."
The Jerusalem Chronicle


  1. There is so much in the world today, that confirms to us how bad the human being can be.

    But here is a practical way to confirm to yourself how good you (anyone) can be; backed by 1.5 million people, and over fifty years of instruction: PEAK: Know yourself

  2. Someday the zionist may overplay their hand.

  3. @ GLH: The Zionists (i.e. Jewish supremacists) have already overplayed their hand, just like the U.S. Empire has. In the near future we will see more and more proof that the game is over.

    For me this physical world and our conscious minds are the surface of an ocean. Down in the depths, the Zionists and their American slaves are finished already. Now we’re just waiting for the forms of this termination to appear on the surface.

    Palestine will once again belong to Palestinians. All Jews in Palestine will have to move to Argentina (which they are already planning to do). Along the way they will whine that they are “victims” (like they always do).

    Maybe they’re here for a spiritual purpose, i.e. to show us how not to be.

  4. Maybe they’re here for an additional spiritual purpose.

    If we can somehow learn to love Zionists, then we can learn to love anyone.

  5. Konrad: I only hope that you are correct.

  6. “show us how not to be.”

    Pretty close imo but you still keep the free will ... consider the purpose for their way (God favors them by arranging for the them to simply follow a set of rules) was a demonstrative failure... but if you maintain the dialectic, instead of discarding this failed approach you will still think they are trying to comply and would advocate for those outside of Israel to do likewise...

    The dialectic approach allows for both thesis and anti thesis to remain in a synthesis like you see here where most of Christendom will not discard the whole Israel thing...

    Phil 3: “ I circumcision the eighth day, of the race of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews, in relation to law, a Pharisee,.... But things which were gain to me, these I have deemed a forfeit .... But, to be sure, I am also deeming all to be a forfeit because of the superiority of the knowledge of Christ .... and am deeming it to be refuse,”

    They maintain the dialectic (vs Paul here teaching as didactic) and just can’t treat it as refuse and simply throw it all out as any competent person would...
