

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Andre Vitchek - Hello, They Lied To You About Iran!

The Iranians are considered to be some of the most friendliest people in the world.  It's in their culture to offer strangers and newcomers food as once Iran was a centre of trade in the region and foreign traders were always welcomed.

In the video below a young British man rides his Honda C90 through Iran and couldn't believe how friendly they were, especially after all had read about them in the corporate media. He simply loved the Iranians. Everyone in the West should watch his short film before they allow their governments to stage a war against Iran. The evil of the West is unbelievable.

Andre Vitchek says Iran is a socialist society with subsidised public transport and free education and health care, but the US wants to destroy it as it doesn't fit in with its neoliberal paradigm, but Saudi Arabia does, it seems. KV .

Have you ever considered the possibility that almost everything that you have been told about the world by the Western mass media is a lie and fabrication?
I am sure you have, at least lately, when the insanity of Western propaganda is becoming very clear and obvious. But what about the extent of indoctrination you were subjected to?
If you live in Europe or North America, how poisoned are you by the lies about Cuba and Venezuela, Russia and China, North Korea and yes – about Iran? Are you beyond recovery? If you see the truth, if you were confronted by reality, would you still be able to recognize it, or would you perceive it as propaganda and lies?
I have just left Tehran, a city with a tremendous history and culture, overflowing with museums, theatres, wonderfully kept parks dotted with modern art sculptures. It is a city with modern and fully subsidized public transportation, consisting of high-tech metro, ecological bus ways, as well as suburban trains. A city of tall trees, and quiet squares, of elegant cafes, and extremely educated and kind people.
If your want to cheer yourself up, this is a really nice video. 

This is the video update for me riding through Iran, on my journey from Malaysia to the UK on my Honda C90. This video may be long-winded but it needs to be to truely show just how awesome Iran is! I'm so glad I went through there and not avoid it like the newspapers and government try to make you do.


  1. It's not just about oil or religion, those are just layers.

    "Democracy" (a code word for capitalism) must eradicate every system that competes with it. Socialism (a government that serves the public) is forbidden, and a dangerous example that must be eradicated. Thus "democracy" is delivered at the point of a gun whether anyone wants it or not.

  2. About 15 years on Radio 4 one morning a Chinese diplomat said that the only way you can talk to America is down the barrel of a gun.

  3. "Democracy" (a code word for capitalism) must eradicate every system that competes with it. Socialism (a government that serves the public) is forbidden, and a dangerous example that must be eradicated. Thus "democracy" is delivered at the point of a gun whether anyone wants it or not.

    This is, indeed, the crux of it.

    Under globalization "the economy" is the world economy and the essence of the world economy is trade. Classical economist realized this, although one would not know from the neoclassical economics, where "free trade" is just assumed as a starting point.

    Capitalism is based on laissez-faire, which means no government involvement in markets other than "nightwatchman." Capitalism is about government favoring capital over land and labor, that is property ownership over the environment and people.

    This is clearly incompatible with socialism.

    Capitalism especially objects to government involvement in market through state ownership of resources and firms.

    As result, there are irreconcilable differences between capitalism (economic liberalism), which is held to be bound up with political liberalism (democracy) and socialisms of all types.

    For capitalism, unipolarism is the only option and there is no alternative.

    Socialism, on the other hand, is "revolutionary" in that it views its mission the liberation of people and the environment from the clutches of property owners.

    As the song goes:
    When an irresistible force such as you
    Meets an old immovable object like me
    You can bet just as sure as you live

    Something's gotta give
    Something's gotta give
    Something's gotta give

  4. About 15 years on Radio 4 one morning a Chinese diplomat said that the only way you can talk to America is down the barrel of a gun. — Mao Zedong

    Mao was simply stating a truism of history.

  5. “Capitalism is based on laissez-faire, which means no government involvement in markets other than ‘night watchman’.”

    There are government laws that apply to market trading, but big traders often circumvent these laws, or they simply bribe the night watchmen (e.g. the SEC, the ratings agencies, the Comptroller of the Currency, etc.) This is one reason why the U.S. Empire is in its twilight. When greed, selfishness, and corruption erode rules and laws, society breaks down.

    “Capitalism especially objects to government involvement in market through state ownership of resources and firms.”

    Yes, capitalism objects to state ownership of resources and firms. However capitalism (as actually practiced) does not object to government involvement in markets. Neoliberals love government involvement in markets, as long as the involvement benefits neoliberals at the expense of the lower classes.

    Government is neoliberals’ goon squad to keep the peasants in their place. The bigger and fiercer the goon squad, the better.

    Neoliberals love “big government” (the bigger the better), as long as the government serves to widen the gap between the rich and the rest.

    “There are irreconcilable differences between capitalism (economic liberalism), which is held to be bound up with political liberalism (democracy) and socialisms of all types.”

    I do not agree with this, since I do not see socialism and capitalism as opposites. What I regard as irreconcilable opposites are socialism (ownership by the people) vs neoliberalism (ownership by rich oligarchs). Or if one prefers, socialism (in which people serve each other) vs. feudalism (in which people serve the lord of the estate).

    Neoliberals are not capitalists, since neoliberals oppose competition and free markets. Instead, neoliberals seek to own markets, or control them via monopolies.

    Most countries are a mix of neoliberalism, capitalism, and socialism. Nations vary in which one of the three they most emphasize. Cuba leans toward socialism, but Cuba has capitalist elements (e.g. privately owned businesses). The USA leans toward neoliberalism, but the USA has capitalist aspects, and even some socialist aspects (e.g. the military, the National Weather Service, NASA, NOAA, etc).

    For me the whole contest today is over ownership and control. Who owns and controls our lives?
    Is it a few rich oligarchs?
    Or is it us (i.e. the people)?

    One of our problems as humans is that all societies stratify, no matter what system a society is based on. In neoliberal societies, the rich are in control. In communist societies like the USSR, the party bosses are in control.

  6. “Have you ever considered the possibility that almost everything that you have been told about the world by the Western mass media is a lie and fabrication?”

    I consider it constantly. Most people do not. Most people claim that they don’t believe the corporate media outlets, but in fact most people believe almost everything the media tell them. If the media call some foreign leader a “dictator,” then for the masses he is a dictator. If the media call some foreign nation a “threat,” them for the masses the nation is a threat. If the media claim that the U.K. or U.S. government has a “national debt crisis,” then for the masses it is true.

    If you question media lies, then most people dismiss you as a “conspiracy theorist.”

    People vary in which lies and hoaxes they believe. Some people don’t believe the Russia-gate hoax, or the Skripal gassing hoax, or the 911 “Arabs with box cutters” hoax. But these same people believe in other hoaxes like the “national debt crisis” hoax, or the six million™ hoax, or the “Assad gasses his own people” hoax.

  7. Before she money girlfriend was a floating voter who would sometimes vote Labour and sometimes Conservative. I guess it was just down to what she read in the papers and what people said on TV. But now my gf knows what's really happening as I inform her. Many people tell me that that are not interested in politics, and yet they work so hard and are exploited but the system. If only they took more interest.

    We were once going towards shorter hourly weeks because automaton was taking over, but then the trend got reversed as well as the retirement age going up.

    House builders deliberately don't build enough houses to maximize profits, so how is capitalism working here to lower prices where profits approach zero as many economists believe.

    The ruling elite have managed to turn people into slaves by limiting housing and encouraging mass immigration. And they own the banks that can create unlimited an supply of money to help the public - who are desperate to buy a home before they get too expensive - to bid house prices through the ceiling while thousands of speculators hope to get rich quick on other people's misery.

    How did out come to this, a 24/7 treadmill with machines going all the time pounding Away making the elite wealthy beyond their dreams? But they are still not happy, they covet all that wealth in China and Russian which they have been after for centuries.
