

Friday, September 28, 2018

Hamish Miller: Before & After Near Death Experience

Something a little different for MNE's, which has a good message about the quality of life.

Hamish Miller had started a furniture business as he was good with his hands and at design, but the business grew until he had about 100 staff and then he spent all his time worrying, trying to find enough work for his employees.

He thought nothing of it, just accepting this is how life is, until he saw a beautiful sunset one day where he felt he had no time to stop and look at it, but then he thought, hang on a minute, of course he had time, what's he going on about.

Moments like this kept occurring and he began to realize he wasn't happy doing what he was doing. Soon after that he had a near death experience which profoundly changed his life.

He then got rid of his business and moved to a beautiful coastline in Cornwall to become a blacksmith. He's now very happy.

I really liked this story.


  1. Thank you for posting this. Mr. Hamish Miller seems like a lovely man. Very humble and compassionate.

    “I was dedicated to the rat race because I believed that the work ethic is the most important thing.” ~ Hamish Miller

    The reason why our world is messed up is people’s collective beliefs.

    Tom Hickey and I often talk about the dominant role of narrative in society. By “narrative” I mean the stories, explanations, and interpretations we tell ourselves and each other. I mean our dogmas, assumptions, and our so-called “common sense.”

    He who controls the public narrative controls the world.

    Yet this is not the full picture. Our social narratives are energized by our social beliefs. Therefore it is more correct to say that he who controls a society’s beliefs controls the society. Our beliefs create our reality. Collectively we live in a consensus reality.

    Our beliefs can free us or enslave us. For example, we submit to poverty and slavery when we believe the lie that the U.S. government runs on loans and on tax revenue.

    There are other beliefs, much deeper. For example, we falsely believe that we are our physical bodies. The truth is that we are not our physical bodies, just as we are not our clothes. We are not even our minds, or our personalities. We are not even humans. We are spirits having a mental and material experience in this earthly realm.

    Regarding near-death experiences, the human mind is geared toward the earthly realm, plus several deeper realms, but it is limited. As such, most people tend to be [1] naïve and gullible or else [2] hyper-skeptical. The naïve people believe everything they hear about NDEs. The hyper-skeptical believe nothing they hear about NDEs. Both sides are rigid and in error. Both sides have their beliefs. Skeptics, for example, believe that NDEs are nonsense. They imagine themselves to be “rational,” but in fact they are belief-bound.

    Ultimately there is no way to adequately describe an NDE to the limited mind. NDEs can only be understood and believed in if we have an NDE ourselves. In that case we move beyond mere belief to the stage of experiencing and knowing and being.

  2. I thought you would like it, Konrad, good, wasn't it?

  3. Years ago and at my expense the Christians I worked with had a big laugh when they asked what would change the world if there was no Jesus to save his people. I told them that when people began to realize that we each live many lifetimes then the world would change. When world leaders realize that they are responsible for the things they say and do regardless of who is paying their way then they will change. How many lifetimes will it take war makers to realize that they will have to experience the suffering that they put on others? I would a lot rather believe that all I have to do is get saved and I am going to heaven regardless of my actions, but that is stupid. I hope that belief brings them comfort when they face their actions. And they will.

  4. A GLH: It's often said that when we die, we have a "life review" in which we relive our entire lives, re-experiencing everything we thought and did while on earth, and also experiencing how our actions affected others. If true, then I wonder what a life review would be like for people in the government, the military, and in military contractors who gleefully cause so much agony for so many people.

    As for Christians, we start out as children believing in Santa Claus and the tooth fairy, and later we trade Santa in for Jesus, or Mohammed, or the Buddha, or whatever. Religious debates are a game of "My imaginary friend is better than your imaginary friend." All organized religions are control systems whose engine is fear, hostility, and ego. The “holocaust”™ is an organized religion. So is identity politics. So is everything connected with the war of terror.

  5. See how happy and content Hamish Miller was? I can't imagine the neocons, or those in the dirty side of the CIA, or in the military-industrial-complex being as happy as him? They need maximum stimulation just to feel a tiny bit alive.

  6. "They need maximum stimulation just to feel a tiny bit alive."

    And just to feel important. They commit any crime, including mass murder, just to feel like they matter, and feel like they are better than average people.

    When one of them dies (e.g. John McCain) the others all praise him in the secret hope that by honoring each other they will somehow avoid having to face the consequences of their evil.

  7. This near death experience reminds of the one described by Joseph McMoneagle in his book "MIND TREK." It has many years since I read the book but as I recall after his experience he went on to work on remote viewing for the US military. The book is old but you might be interested in it. Also, If you are interested in OBE's here is a link that might interest you:
