

Monday, October 29, 2018

Peter Koenig - Khashoggi versus 50,000 Slaughtered Yemeni Children

Peter Koenig writes another polemic piece about the lack off Western morality and it's horrible money grabbing, people aren't important (unless you're in the 0.01%) system.

MBS got to have dinner with the Queen a little while back, a guest of honour. I bet they were very nice and polite to each other as they drank tea in the best china.

Europe has no morals, no ethics no nothing. Europe, represented by Brussels, and in Brussels by the non-elected European Commission (EC), for all practical purposes is a mere nest of worms, or translated into humans, a nest of white-collar criminals, politicians, business people and largely a brainwashed populace of nearly 500 million. There are some exceptions within the population and fortunately their pool of ‘awakened’ is gently growing.

The European, along with the US, have been more than complicit in this crime against humanity – in these horrendous war crimes. Imagine one day a Nuremberg-type Court against war crimes committed in the last 70 years, not one of the western leaders, still alive, would be spared. That’s what we – in the west – have become. A nest of war criminals – war criminals for sheer greed. They invented a neoliberal, everything goes market doctrine system, where no rules no ethics no morals count – just money, profit and more profit. Any method of maximizing profit – war and war industry – is good and accepted. And the  west with its fiat money made of hot air, is imposing this nefarious, destructive system everywhere, by force and regime change if voluntary acceptance is not in the cards.

Global Research

Khashoggi versus 50,000 Slaughtered Yemeni Children - Global Research 110 14 11


  1. And the west with its fiat money made of hot air, is imposing this nefarious, destructive system everywhere, by force and regime change if voluntary acceptance is not in the cards. Peter Koenig [bold added]

    A rather shameless exploitation of those slaughtered Yemeni children to push a corrupt, hidden agenda of replacing inexpensive fiat with needlessly expensive fiat to benefit private interests, including rich fiat hoarders?

  2. Good catch AA.... Kaivey posts BS from monetarists all the time....

    Kaivey probably thinks “we’re out of money!” too...otherwise why would he post it?..

    Hard to understand...

  3. We're out of the real assets and services which are expected by future recipients to satisfy the endless promises that have been made by politicians. An endless supply of fiat funny money isn't going to conjure up $80 trillion present value of butt wiping services for senile boomers.

  4. Yeah, I noticed that, and almost left it off, but then I put it in for completion as it was the last part of the paragraph. He probably thinks we should be I gold. Yes, he doesn't understand MMT, like lots of people, sadly, but the article is still good.

  5. Even Rob doesn't understand how government fiat is real money. Nothing is for free and the society can't get free stuff. When the government deficit spends, society delivers the goods and has to pay for it. We pay in the end when we do the work to provide the services.

    But the deficit money can grow the economy so it acts like an investment. If creates jobs and the people with new jobs spend their wages into the economy creating even more new jobs, and so on. Shop keepers and factories employ more staff and a virtuous circle is created. The same dollar that the government creates can flow around society again and again creating work.

    When society reaches full potential and unemployment becomes low, inflation can set in and so the government needs to remove some of the deficit money it spent in, or all of it, probably. But with lots of people employed and with businesses prospering yielding good wages for the management staff, the tax burden on each individual becomes lower. So, in other words, society gets a bargain.

    When people pay taxes a percentage of the work they have done which was stored as money is removed from circulation and this pays for the government fiat money turning it into real money. Money equals work, and work equals money. Libertarians don't understand this, they think deficit money isn't real money.

    Sadly, Rob is right about how the government can deficit spend on wars and military and this lines the pockets of the rich. But if the government spent more on infrastructure, high speed rail, research into green energy, single payer health care, state education, we get a massive investment in our society.

    Remember, kids from the lower classes are just as bright, on average, that is, genetically, as people from the higher classes. The environment makes all the difference. So, more spending on their education would produce more entrepreneurs and scientists, which is a very good investment. Some of these people may go on to find the cure for cancer, etc. Others will create businesses which will employ people. This is why people like Mark Blyth say austerity is a bad idea.

    This is the social democratic model which a libertarian, or very conservative society, could never match.

  6. When it comes to "no morals", "white-collar criminals" and a "brainwashed populace", France perhaps takes first prize. In France, it is illegal to show disturbing images of the effects of wars, like photos of emaciated children in Yemen. After all, the French elite, does not want anyone to be reminded of the horrific effects of its lucrative arms sales. Le Pen, the “far right” political leader is being prosecuted for publicising such images (from Iraq).

    Strikes me that ACTUALLY CAUSING the emaciation of thousands of children makes one a lot more “far right” than simply showing images of those crimes.

  7. There's some good people on the Right, Ralph, who are very anti-war and shame the liberal left. And that includes Bob.

  8. Fiat money is an extremely powerful way to get money into society because there's no need to rely on gold, or other scare commodities, so it's plentiful. Even bank credit is real money, at least it becomes real as the borrower works to pay the loan off. No need to dig the money up producing gold, silver, or diamonds, or to produce great works of art as treasure. If can be created easily on a computer keyboard and credited into your account. It will cost a free nanoseconds of electricity, that's all. The bank will have to make a profit, pay its tax, it's council rates, and pay its staff, but no need for millions of workers to dig the money out of the ground, expensive haulage, and no need for expensive storage. A superb idea!

    Richard Werner's suggesting of local, non profit private banks seems to be a good idea. The Bank of Dave! Dave gave the profits to charity.

  9. Kaivey is obviously right to say fiat money is preferable to gold, but I can't see the big merity in Werner's "non profit" banks. A bank is a commercial operation that should make a return on capital employed just like any other business, seems to me.

  10. but I can't see the big merity in Werner's "non profit" banks. Ralph Musgrave

    And, unless those banks are 100% private with 100% voluntary depositors, there remains the profit of those who obtain the public's credit but for private gain.

  11. Hi Ralph, in this interview below, Richard Werner says that there are 1500 small, non profit, private banks in Germany and they hold 70% of all deposits. He says that if a small bank is profit orientated and it becomes profitable it is soon bought up by the big banks and so only the small non profit ones survive. These banks are started up by the local community to provide loans for new start ups and small businesses which need money to expand. Richard Werner says the big banks aren't interested in these types of small loans.

    When he says they are non profit, they will still need to generate enough profits to pay the staff, the manager, and the overheads. I guess they have no share holders and are more like cooperatives.

    If you watch the Bank of Dave video you will see that Dave Fishwick started his bank because the big banks would not lend to small businesses. Dave Fishwick had made his money selling mini buses and unidentified with the people who run small businesses. He was not allowed to do fractional reserve banking so he was limited to savings and loans, but be offered higher interest rates to savers than the big banks. His bank was a success and the profits went to charity.

    Richard Werner on non profit banks -

    Bank of Dave -

  12. Besides, who needs credit anyway when inexpensive fiat makes the actual borrowing and lending of fiat itself ("loanable funds") practical for the entire economy, not just for the banks?

  13. The spell checker put 'unidentified' in by accident. Was meant to be identified.
