

Friday, November 23, 2018

Healer or Hoax? | Charlie Goldsmith put to the test | Sunday Night

An off topic one which I thought was interesting.

To his believers, he’s known simply as ‘The Healer’. Charlie Goldsmith claims he possesses a mysterious energy that can cure the sick using just his mind. The self-proclaimed energy healer from Melbourne says he can end chronic pain, cure crippling arthritis, even save lives. And he has plenty of patients who will attest to his inexplicable powers. But is he truly a healer or is it all a hoax? Sunday Night’s Angela Cox has put Goldsmith’s claims to the test in this three-month-long investigation.

Can Charlie Heal Actress Cree Summer's Eye Problems?


  1. My dog was killed this morning right in front of me. Don't think I'll be online for a while. Should make Franko happy.

  2. I'm sorry to hear that, Konrad, I give you my condolences! I will comment on the music you told me about later in the week. Take care!

