

Friday, November 23, 2018

Hundreds of Birds Fall From the Sky During 5G Test in The Netherlands

They don't know why the birds died yet, but if it was due to 5G I'm sure the technology will be redesigned.


  1. "6G will fix everything." 6G will have a built in Lazarus effect

  2. I’m not a fan of the Snopes web site, for reasons I won’t go into here, but I think they may be correct in declaring this story to be an urban legend spawned on the Facebook pages of one John Khules.

    Some relevant points . . .

    [1] Mass bird deaths happen all the time for reasons that scientists do not always understand.

    [2] The 5G test near Huijgenspark occurred on 28 June 2018, and it was not followed by a massive bird die-off. The tower was nowhere near the park.

    [3] The mass bird deaths in the Netherlands happened four months later, over 15 days, between Friday, 19 Oct and Saturday, 3 Nov 2018. City authorities suspect mass poisoning by humans, which is a recurring problem in the Netherlands.

    [4] John Khules’ urban legend was given a boost when it was reprinted in Erin Elizabeth’s blog Health Nut News. Ms. Elizabeth’s post was shared over 125,000 times on Facebook.

    Is that conclusive? Maybe, maybe not. Judge for yourself . . .

  3. Back then it was said 3g may cause an epidemic of brain tumors

  4. Millimeter wave is short-range, high intensity. Thus receivers (that also broadcast) will have to be placed close together to provide blanket coverage. As these are not point-to-point signals, entire areas will be saturated with MMW radiation.

    The massive amount of legislative push for 5G is balanced by a corresponding lack of scientific study of the effects of MMW radiation exposure.

    We are guinea pigs: it won't matter whether you have a 5G device or not as you will be saturated with this radiation.
