

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

John Harwood - These charts show how Democrats represent the growing modern economy – and how Republicans are left behind

Well, I don't like the warmongering Democrats much, but they seem to represent a more robust and growing economy, while the Republicans win seats in the red rural states. This divide is slowing the US down, says John Harwood, but the Republicans won't let the government spend more money on the red states to bring them up to speed as the Democrats would like, for instance, by spending more money on training.

Among other results, this year's midterm elections affirmed this much: in Washington, the two parties now speak for dramatically different segments of the American economy.
Republicans represent the smaller, fading segment, with less-educated, more-homogenous work forces reliant on traditional manufacturing, agriculture and resource extraction. Democrats represent the larger, growing one, fueled by finance, professional services and digital innovation in diverse urban areas.
The 2016 presidential race had signaled as much. Donald Trump carried 2,584 counties across the country, but calculations by scholars at the Brookings Institution showed that the 472 counties Hillary Clinton carried accounted for nearly two-thirds of U.S. economic output.


  1. “These charts show how Germany represents the growing modern EZ economy and how the PIIGS are left behind”

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. LOL!

    "These charts show how City of London represents the growing modern UK economy and how Yorkshire and Cornwall are left behind”


  4. Ryan,

    Now moron Greg here is going to check your math... wait for it...

  5. Greg: “Ryan if you take the total population of Cornwall and divide by the average income .., and compare wages in London... carry the 2.... then you see you can’t say that....”

  6. I realized my error, Ryan, and altered my post. I shouldn't have said 'backward'.

  7. As an example, if you follow agriculture and technology, farm productivity has absolutely skyrocketed in the last few decades. Real productivity however is enjoyed by city dwellers while market structure doesn't allow farmers to capture the financial benefits, no structures were created like "patent", "copyright" or exclusionary professional licenses which allow extraordinary wage rises like highly "productive" city dwellers. Economics measures are pretty blind in assumptions about equivalence of price and quality and quantity. As Google and Facebook have charged ever greater amounts per unit of quantity and quality of advertising, the economist proclaims these tech workers as "productive" rather than having cornered a market. While the farmer who actually increased yields 300% and drove prices down is considered in "unproductive" by comparison in economic parlance where you accept dodgy assumptions and framing yet we are told it is "true" or "false" and that it's just too complicated to understand. Economics is so tiresome and boring. It would be best to ignore were it no so destructive.

  8. TBT, I would sooner live in the country than the city. I live on the edge of a city, and there's plenty of countryside and farms around here.

  9. If you take FRANKO's I.Q. and divide by 2 ... Oh, wait, zero is indivisible.

  10. Bob the Builder is a British children's animated television show. I heard there will be a new children's show called “Franko the Electrician.” The lead character is a moron who is always wiring things up incorrectly, causing house fires and city-wide blackouts, and receiving electrical shocks to his feeble brain. It will be great laughs for the whole family.


    “In Washington, the two parties now speak for dramatically different segments of the American economy.” ~ John Harwood.

    Agreed. Republicans speak for war and Wall Street. Democrat leaders speak for the polar opposite, namely Wall Street and war. Democrat leaders also speak for identity politics and the Russia-gate hoax.

    Republicans are in the right hip pocket of the rich. Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and Hillary are very different. They are in the left hip pocket.
