

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Links — 22 Nov 2018

The Hill
Trump on Khashoggi killing: Saudi crown prince 'hates it more than I do'
Michale Burke

American Bart Association
American Bar Association president: Trump's criticism hurts judicial independence
Justin Wise

Robert Reich
The Rule of Law

Trump denies CIA implicated Saudi crown prince in Khashoggi murder
Lily Stephens

The Hill
Howard Dean blasts Trump's Saudi response: People don't think he's a 'legitimate president'
Joe Concha


Gadaffi's Prophecy 2011 — "Europe will turn black."

Popular Resistance
Exposing The White Helmets : Collated Video Evidence Of Terrorist Collusion

Poking the bear
Paul Robinson | Professor, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Ottawa

Fort Russ
Joaquin Flores

Forcing the OPCW to assign blame for chemical weapons incidents will damage the organization– Russia

Eurasia Future
China’s Conundrum: What To Do About The “Young Marxists”?
Andrew Korybko

Sputnik International
Beijing Lambasts 'Absurd' US Plans to Oust China From WTO Amid Trade War

Facebook admits targeting George Soros after he criticized company
Mike Murphy, Editor


  1. Good Gaddafi video, but sad. Apparently, Gaddafi tried to appease the West by carrying out some neoliberal policies and that caused at least some of the unrest. The sane happened in Syria.

    Neoliberalism is evil. "White man speak with forked tongue". Gaddafi said his greatest mistake was to trust the West.

    Did anyone see the Native American film I put out? The white man - the Christians- broke every agreement they made with the American Indians.

  2. YouTube: Gadaffi's Prophecy 2011 — "Europe will turn black."

    This Russian video should be mandatory viewing for all Americans.

    KAIVEY: “Apparently, Gaddafi tried to appease the West by carrying out some neoliberal policies and that caused at least some of the unrest. The sane happened in Syria.”

    After Gaddafi retired from politics, his sons pushed through neoliberal “reforms” which caused great unhappiness, especially in eastern Libya (aka Cyrenaica). This provided NATO with an excuse to destroy Libya, and steal its water and oil.

    In Syria, Assad and his cronies pushed for neoliberal “reforms.” These changes, combined with a prolonged drought, caused great inequality and unrest. Syrians went from a socialist context to a neoliberal context with skyrocketing prices for food and fuel. When Syrians peacefully marched in the street during the “Arab Spring,” the Empire (i.e. the West, Israel, and the Saudis) started shooting Syrian demonstrators from rooftops, and falsely blaming it on Assad.

    Meanwhile the Empire sent in waves and waves of terrorist mercenaries, thereby creating a proxy war (not a “civil war”).
