

Sunday, January 27, 2019


There is no dictatorship in Venezuela and Nicolas Manduro has the support of he police and the army. No one has ever voted for Juan Guaido but the U.S. says he is the democratically elected president. Just bold faced lies!

Does the Earth orbit the moon, and can you get fifty angels on a pin head, yes if Washington says so?

True leaders don't swear *THEMSELVES in with the assistance of Foreign Criminals like Pompeo, Bolton, Rubio, Pence, ....



  1. @Kaivey:


    I'll discuss Venezuela below.

    As you know, the Gillette razor company’s latest man-bashing commercial has caused sales to plummet permanently. This is one of the biggest corporate screw-ups in history (if not the biggest). Straight white males have put up with being insulted for years, but this commercial was one insult too much…

    In response to the Gillette ad, the Egard Watch Company out of Los Angeles put its own ad, and it has caused sales to skyrocket. The company instantly sold out all of its inventory on Amazon for both men’s and women’s products and there are back-orders for months. The ad is very good, especially coming on the heels of the insulting Gillette ad.

    (Link at bottom.)

    My point is that political correctness can be useful. So can identity politics and Social Justice Warrior filth. The ad for the Egard Watch Company is powerful because of its timing amid endless attacks on straight white males. Other companies would be wise to follow suit with their own ads.

    This same approach could be used for political purposes. For example, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) is attacked from all sides. Liberals attack her because liberals only care about attacking straight white American males. Neoliberals hate AOC because they despise socialism. Right-wingers hate her because they have been brainwashed to hate socialism, and thereby to screw themselves.

    What’s needed is ads for socialism that inspire men, like that ad for Egard Watch Company. Then when liberals attack the ads, they will seem more disgusting than ever.

    Tulsi Gabbard needs an ad like this. Or something in the same spirit. See the commercial below if you haven’t already. Note that it has a lot of black males. Average whites don't care about race, as long as whites are not being attacked for being whites...

  2. "My point is that political correctness can be useful. So can identity politics and Social Justice Warrior filth."

    I'm glad you said that because I'm watching something right now about how "white men" had stolen the native Americans land and massacred them. But identity politics is not a black and white issue even if both sides try to make it so. It's very nuanced. PCR and Jonathon Pie are right in what they say, but the history of white supremacy and its brutality can't be whitewashed away either.

    Steve Hughes has no problem with gays getting married, or with men that want to wear dresses, but he hates the way the Identity Politics crowd are going about things and he hates their aggressive, spiteful attitude. So he can see both sides of the picture.

    I will post the Abby Martin documentary here later after I have watched it.

  3. While the ad was a steaming dung pile, "Plummet" is probably a bit of an overstatement , and

    Terms like "haven't budged", "no hit to sales" and “in-line with pre-campaign levels” are all saying that the ad didn't work as expected, with the last one being the most suspicious. So clearly sales didn't go up, or else they'd brag about it... The ad was tone-deaf, holier-than-thou coastal elites, once again, sticking their fingers in the eyes of everyone else. That strategy was a core feature of the Clinton campaign.

  4. “The history of white supremacy and its brutality can't be whitewashed away either.”

    I agree. In fact I think (and I’m not joking) that the US government should pay Blacks some kinds of reparations for slavery (which actually happened) like many governments pay Jews for the holocaust™ (which never happened). In 1988 the U.S. government paid $20,000 to each surviving Japanese internee from World War II. Simultaneously the Canadian government paid $17,325 in compensation to each of about 12,000 surviving Japanese-Canadians who were forcibly put into camps during WW II.

    What I object to is the constant attack on straight white males today. These attacks are not about justice or equality or compassion. It is simply hate.

    Anyway I won’t belabor this point, since we evidently do not agree on this issue.

    @ Joe:

    ” While the ad was a steaming dung pile, "Plummet" is probably a bit of an overstatement.”

    Naturally Gillette and Proctor and Gamble lie about their sales figures in order to keep their stock price from falling. And they don't want to admit that their ad was a disastrous blunder.

    I myself have never used a Gillette product, since there are cheaper alternatives. That Gillette ad is motivating many males to do like me.

    Strange that feminists have not attacked Gillette for charging double the amount for women's razors that Gillette charges for men’s razors.

  5. Good video on the absurdity of Juan Gauido (pronounced wa-ee-DO) calling himself President.

    The Washington Post calls the Maduro administration a “criminal empire” and the “world’s largest and most ruthless narcotics cartel.” The EU agrees, plus Canada, Australia, etc etc.

    The video asks if Juan Gauido actually imagines that he could govern. The answer is no. Juan Gauido wouldn’t know how to change his own diapers. If the West can get Maduro out of the way, then Venezuela will become like Brazil, whose president is Jair Bolsonaru, but whose control rests with his economics minister Paulo Guedes, who represents the IMF and the money powers.

    In Venezuela, Juan Gauido would be “president,” while the real person in charge would be appointed by the IMF and the money powers.

    Juan Gauido is a moron-puppet, like Bolsonaro of Brazil.

  6. 'What I object to is the constant attack on straight white males today. These attacks are not about justice or equality or compassion. It is simply hate.'

    But I do agree with that.

  7. I am more socially conservative than you are. I was made this way by the endless attacks on straight white males as evil and "privileged."

    At one time I was pursuing a Ph.D. in Art History, but I eventually withdraw from the program when I realized that no university would hire a white male.

    I myself did not find that Egard Watch commercial offensive. Therefore, according to today's leftists, I am a "Nazi."

  8. I watched both adverts and thought they were both patronizing, but the Egard Watch was even worse. I'm not insecure about it and I don't need anyone to tell me how to be. I don't feel threatened by society becoming more matriarchal.

    I was a Quaker for years and we were very gentle. Some Quaker woman didn't even like their boys playing with you guns - the Quakers are pacifists - but they let them get on with it, and it never bothered me as I was always playing war games as a kid, so I felt it was harmless fun, and you can't stop it anyway.

    I don't think you should have been discriminated against at college, though, that sounds terrible. That's where identity politics goes wrong. And at the extremes, the mutants do look and act horrible.

    I loved Star Trek as a boy, and I thought mankind was getting gentler. Captain Kirk is a good role model for boys.

    I've only met one militant feminist in my life, and she was very beautiful. We became friends although she was a bit too aggressive for me at times. She used to tell me off for leaving the toilet seat up, but in fun way, although I thought why doesn't she leave it up for me. Fairs fair.

    She took me to a Freud art exhibition once and told told me that the fat rolly polly women in the paintings where what real women were like. I didn't care for it much and I thought the art was ugly, but she had once been very far herself because of an eating disorder.

    Then I went up to her once when she was with her lovely friends and I said, Hi ladies, and she told me not to call her a lady looking a bit angry with me, but I didn't know if she was joking or not. I couldn't see what I had done wrong, but I was sexualising them a bit, as beautiful, well dressed women, ie, ladies, are very sexy to me. Well, what's wrong with finding them sexy.

    Anyway, I've never met a feminist like her since.

    Jonathon Pie says he was born in 1967 and he did not help design the nuclear bomb, nor did he own any slaves, so why was he being penalized for being a straight white man, but I'm straight white man and I've never felt penalized for it, so I don't know what he is going on about.

  9. Jesse Ventura is a great role model for boys too, he's tough, but he's a nice natured guy.

  10. The Egard Watch commercial was a reaction to the first commercial. Its message was that men are valuable too. To whom do you think it is patronizing? To the feminist who made the first commercial? Whatever. As an advertising strategy it is successful, while the first commercial was ill advised. Perhaps you prefer regular commercials that we see all day every day. That’s fine. I came across the Egard Watch commercial by accident. Their headquarters in Los Angeles is near a hospital where my younger brother and sister were born. (I have a twin sister and my younger brother also has a twin sister.)

    “I don't think you should have been discriminated against at college, though, that sounds terrible. That's where identity politics goes wrong.”

    Is there any place where identity politics goes right? Incidentally the discrimination in higher education has become worse than ever, at least here in the USA. Straight white males need not apply. And the more doors are closed, the more white males are condemned for enjoying “white male privilege.” Yesterday I watched a documentary about the French Revolution, and how a revolt became “The Terror,” and then “The Great Terror.” This same dynamic occurs with political correctness, and with things like #MeToo. The more straight white males are guillotined, so to speak, the fiercer the PC terror becomes. That’s the way it is in the USA, anyway.

    I loved Star Trek as a boy, and I thought mankind was getting gentler. Captain Kirk is a good role model for boys.

    Start Trek’s appeal was its adventure and its optimism about the future. I understand that there is a Star Trek series on subscription TV called Star Trek Discovery. I haven’t seen it. Most audiences think it is insultingly PC, and otherwise quite poor.

    I've only met one militant feminist in my life, and she was very beautiful.

    A beautiful feminist is a contradiction in terms. Most feminists have self-esteem issues. They think they were born ugly, and hence they want to take revenge on men. In the very rare instance where a woman is a feminist and beautiful, she too has self-esteem issues, usually stemming from childhood problems.

    Jonathon Pie says he was born in 1967 and he did not help design the nuclear bomb, nor did he own any slaves, so why was he being penalized for being a straight white man, but I'm straight white man and I've never felt penalized for it, so I don't know what he is going on about.

    Yet you cite the videos, so perhaps you see something in them after all. Anyway perhaps you have never lived in a large city. Perhaps you were never denied employment or promotion because you were a white male. In large US corporations, human resources managers are almost always female, and are usually feminists. Moreover companies have diversity quotas to fill. Discrimination against white males used to be limited to the middle and lower levels of corporations, but today even military contractors in the USA are run by women. They make the bombs that blow kids to bits in places like Afghanistan. But because they are women, they are not condemned for “toxic masculinity.” With political correctness, hypocrisy is infinite.

    Jesse Ventura is a great role model for boys too, he's tough, but he's a nice natured guy.

    The Egard Watch commercial shows men who are tough but caring. Yet you find it patronizing. This seems to contradict the Jesse Ventura reference, but perhaps I misunderstand.

  11. I don't feel threatened by society becoming more matriarchal.

    Is that what you think is happening? Perhaps you imagine that putting women in charge (e.g. Maggie Thatcher or Hillary Clinton, or the female CEOs of US weapons makers) will reduce hate and war.

    The way I see it, the middle and lower classes have been driven mad by downward mobility, while the rich look down and enjoy the show.


  12. I watched that advert again and it's too sentimental for me. I didn't like it.
    It's a non issue for me. Both adverts are nonsense.

    But if white men are being discriminate against because of their colour, that's wrong.

  13. 'Is that what you think is happening? Perhaps you imagine that putting women in charge (e.g. Maggie Thatcher or Hillary Clinton, or the female CEOs of US weapons makers) will reduce hate and war.'

    They're not women, they're men, or might as well be.

  14. “I watched that advert again and it's too sentimental for me. I didn't like it.”

    It seems to me that this world could use a bit more sentimentality. Why do you think an ad that shows men being normal men, or being compassionate, is nonsense? Never mind. Whatever. What kind of commercials or movies do you like?

    Are you still a Quaker?

    Speaking of nonsense, talk show host Bill Maher says that Trump’s wall is “immoral.” Meanwhile in the 28-second video below, Maher calls for a U.S. military attack on Venezuela. Maher is outraged that Russia is asking the USA to not attack its owned “back yard” (i.e. not to attack Venezuela and Latin America).

    The audience applauds like clapping seals.

    Maher is a typical leftist. One minute he calls the USA’s foreign policy “white supremacist,” and the next he is praising it. Israel’s Netanyahu is also calling for an attack on Venezuela.

    During the W. Bush years, leftists marched with signs saying, “No blood for oil. Now leftists are demanding another war for oil. If you point out the absurdity of this, leftists call you a Nazi.

  15. Speaking of “back yards,” the USA was outraged when the USSR put nuclear weapons in Cuba, which, being 220 miles south of Miami Florida, was part of America’s “back yard.” That was in mid-1962.

    Meanwhile the USA had nuclear weapons in Turkey, directly on the Soviet border. There was no 220-mile gap. (In those days, George was still part of the USSR.)

    American hypocrisy is boundless. Bill Maher is part of it.

  16. The Alain De Botton videos I put out were sentimental, which were about the loneliness of human condition. They touched me, but critics say he is more of an entrepreneur than a philosopher.

    I stopped going to the Quakers after I split with a long term girlfriend. I started going dancing, but the Sunday afternoon tea dances clashed with Meeting for Worship so I let it lapse, which I regret now. I started going to another one near me recently, but i don't feel the same commitment now as I'm not well enough to get involved at the moment.

    I went back to my old Meeting House a little while back too and I expected to see them all there, but I hadn't gone for 20 years and half of them had died and the rest were in their 70's. I thought all my old friends would still be there and it shocked me, so I got sad and felt a bit lonely.

  17. I thought Bill Maher was so good when I first saw him and I would send clips of him to friends, but now I hate him. The world has gone crazy. I thought most liberals were sensible, but many are even mad than some of the right.
