

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Godfree Roberts — Huawei, 5G and the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Game over? Go East, young man.
President Trump has attacked the Made In China 2025 policy because the US, stuck in neoclassical macroeconomics, is committed to a system which not only does not produce the goods but also can’t afford the essential infrastructure required for the next major advance in the ongoing industrial revolution. The decision will put the Five Eyes countries ten years behind China in 5G and its associated technologies [that are at the cutting edge of the 4th Industrial Revolution]. The Germans correctly describe their version of China2025, Industrie04 as “the fourth industrial revolution.” The 5G stakes are so big that, if Germany rejects Huawei it risks committing economic suicide.
Interesting article.

Frank Li has been warning of this kind of thing for some time. It's not just Huawei and 5G. The Chinese system of market socialism is more efficient and more effective than the Western pseudo-capitalist system of monopoly capital, which is sclerotic.

The Unz Review
Huawei, 5G and the Fourth Industrial Revolution


  1. The Chinese system of market socialism is more efficient and more effective than the Western pseudo-capitalist system of monopoly capital, which is sclerotic Tom Hickey

    An emphasis on efficiency over justice is short-sighted since the inevitable consequences of injustice come back to haunt - and with no other genuine solution than the justice that was despised in the first place.

    Hence a Job Guarantee for the victims of systematic theft ending in wage- and debt-slavery shall not prove to be anything but insulting and tone-deaf wrt justice - especially when the promoters of the JG are in favor of additional privileges whereby the thieves, "the banks", have stolen.

  2. Yeah a land lottery is so much better where some will win the good land and others will be suckers with useless land. That’s the system to aim at.

  3. Inexpensive fiat and equal distributions of it (a Citizen's Dividend) into individual citizen accounts at the Central Bank allow a "loanable funds" banking model that cheats no one.

    That and the abolition of all other privileges for "the banks" would fix the money system and without high interest rates too.

    But that still leaves the problem of land rent which, if you don't like the solution I've offered, please put forward your own.
