

Friday, January 25, 2019

Stephen F. Cohen — The End of Russia’s ‘Democratic Illusions’ About America—How Russiagate has impacted a vital struggle in Russia

But what should interest us is how Russiagate allegations have tarnished America’s democratic reputation in Russia and thereby undermined the pro-American arguments of Russia’s liberal democrats, who were never a very potent political or electoral force and whose fortunes have already declined in recent years. Consider the following:...
Not that the current US administration is essentially different from previous ones. It's just more blatant. These things don't happen overnight.

The Nation
The End of Russia’s ‘Democratic Illusions’ About America—How Russiagate has impacted a vital struggle in Russia
Stephen F. Cohen | Professor Emeritus of Russian Studies, History, and Politics at New York University and Princeton University

1 comment:

  1. There have also been democratic illusions in Iran.

    Since 1990 there has been a power struggle in Iran between [1] rich oligarchs, who are neoliberals and are pro-West, and [2] the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, which are pro-Iran, and are pro-Russia.

    American treachery and aggression have steadily undermined the Iranian oligarchs.
