

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Stephen F. Cohen — How the Russiagate Investigation Is Sovietizing American Politics

Is the US morphing into its former arch-enemy that it believes to have vanquished and relegated to the trash can of history?

In addition, Professor Cohen did not mention other similarities with totalitarian states, such as restriction of constitutional rights and civil liberties through legislation like the Patriot Act and the establishment of a Department of Homeland Security and the militarization of the national security force creating essentially a police state, especially  when considered in conjunction of total awareness and a surveillance state.

The Nation
How the Russiagate Investigation Is Sovietizing American Politics
Stephen F. Cohen | Professor Emeritus of Russian Studies, History, and Politics at New York University and Princeton University


  1. The Soviet Union was not Fascist. Germany is a much better parallel. Cohen needs to study a bit more history.

  2. Cohen knows quite a bit more about Russian history than the average Joe.

    Stephen F. Cohen is a professor emeritus of Russian studies, history, and politics at New York University and Princeton University. A Nation contributing editor, he is the author, most recently, of War With Russia? From Putin & Ukraine to Trump & Russiagate and Soviet Fates and Lost Alternatives: From Stalinism to the New Cold War.

    Having studied Soviet political history for decades and having lived off and on in that repressive political system before Mikhail Gorbachev’s reforms—in Russia under Leonid Brezhnev in the late 1970s and early 1980s...

  3. The Soviet Union was not Fascist. Germany is a much better parallel. Cohen needs to study a bit more history.

    Cohen doesn't use the term" fascist. Plus, he lived in the USSR and is a USSR expert. His examples are completely proper and correct. Further, Germany was not "fascist". Spain and Italy were "fascist". The National SOCIALISTS were more Stalinist than anything and took note that leftists would always refuse to acknowledge Stalin's massive slaughters of the 1930s.

    I try to be nice here but OMG, you are so freakin' dumb.

  4. Roddis thinks the Nazis were socialists because it was called the 'National Socialist party'. Brilliant! LOL

    Hitler modeled the anti-communist authoritarian ultra-nationalist "National Socialist party" on Mussolini's National Fascist party.

    To call Roddis a retard would be an insult to the retarded.
